English Quiz for SSC CGL 2016

April 13, 2016    

Direction(1-10) Idioms and Phrases Quiz

1. They vowed to fight the new legislation tooth and nail.
a.avoid someone or anything
b.forgive someone 
c.help someone
d.to use a lot of effort to oppose someone .

2.Rohit fights shy of parties as he hates crowds.
a. try to avoid something 
b.try to accept something 
c.try to move something 
d.try to resolve something 

3.Pan out at this point in the script and give a wider view of the scene.
a.Zoom out
b.zoom in
c.move out
d.cut off

4. She has an important deadline coming up, so she's been working like a beaver
a.work along with someone help
b.work silentely
c.work smart
d.work hard

5. Regional conferences provide the opportunity for everyone to stay abreast of the latest developments in our field of research.
a.to ignore information about something
b.to have the most recent information about something
c.to have the most information about something
d.to have the false information about something

6. The lawyer put his training to good use for the charity. 
a.make sure
b.take other help
c. to use a skill or ability
d.put his money

7.We need to inoculate all the children against whooping cough.
a.cope up with
b.care for someone
c.to immunize someone against a disease
d.doctors help

8.He held the police at bay with a gun for several hours
a.force someone
b.help someone
c.avoid someone
d.to prevent someone from moving closer 

9.He ran pell-mell down the stairs and out of the house.
a.very quickly and without control 
b.slowely with control
c.ran and jump out of the house
d.move down the stairs

10. John isn't the best mechanic in town, but he's a cut above average.
a.better than average

Answers: Click Here

English Quiz for SSC CGL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 13, 2016 Direction(1-10) Idioms and Phrases Quiz 1. They vowed to fight the new legislation tooth and nail. a.avoid someone or anything b.forg...

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