Economy Quiz SSC CGL 2016 and Railways, SSC CPO ,SSC CHSL.

April 7, 2016    

1.Mixed economy means an economy where?
A.There is co-existence of public sector along with private sector
B.Both agriculture and industry are equally promoted by the state
C.Economy is controlled by military as well as civilian rulers
D.There is importance of small scale industries along with heavy industries

2.The author of the book 'Planned Economy for India' is?
A.Jawaharlal Nehru
B.Dada Bhai Naoroji
C.SardarVallabhbhai Patel
D.M. Visvesvaraya

3.An increase in the quantity supplied suggests?
A.a rightward shift of the supply curve
B.a leftward shift of the supply curve
C.a movement up along the supply curve
D.a movement down the supply curve

4.Preparation of butter, ghee by household for their own use is a part of
B.own-account production
C.household capital formation
D.industrial production

5.Who said that, "Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty"?
A.John Locke
B.Karl Marx

6.Who benefits the most during the inflationary period?
A.government servants
B.corporate servants

7.In India, the interest rate on savings accounts in all the nationalised commercial banks is fixed by
A.Finance Minister of India
B.Union Finance Commission
C.Indian Bank Association
D.Reserve Bank of India

8.Pegging up of a currency means, fixing the value of a currency a constant level a lower level a higher level
D.leaving it to market forces

9.Which of the following is not helpful in controlling money supply?
A.Free market policy
C.Bank Rate
D.Change in margin requirement

10.Growth rate of population means
A.The difference of growth between male and female.
B.The difference in population between urban and rural area.
C.The number of births per thousand people.
D.The difference between birth and death rates.

Answers will be provided soon

Economy Quiz SSC CGL 2016 and Railways, SSC CPO ,SSC CHSL. 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 7, 2016 1.Mixed economy means an economy where? A.There is co-existence of public sector along with private sector B.Both agriculture and indu...

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