Arithmetic Quant Quiz- PERCENTAGE

April 23, 2016    

Dear Readers,

As SSC CGL exam is coming near, many of candidates are studying very hard for this exam and want to crack this exam very seriously. Many of candidates understand this thing that QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Section plays a pivotal role in deciding the cut-off for candidates giving this exam especially the ARITHMETIC portion.
Friends, from now on We are starting a "Study Plan for ARITHMETIC". According to this plan, we would be publishing daily quiz of ARITHMETIC portion from where we would cover a topic each in it and we would update it daily in SSCADDA WEBSITE. AND ALSO THIS STUDY PLAN IS NOT PARTICULARLY FOR SSC EXAM BUT ALSO USEFUL FOR OTHER GOVERNMENT EXAM.

1. At an election where there are two candidates only, the candidate who gets 62 per cent of the votes is elected by a majority of 144 votes. Find the total no. of votes recorded. 
(a) 1200
(b) 1800
(c) 700
(d) 600

2. At an election where there are two candidates only, the candidate who gets 43 per cent of the votes is rejected by a majority of 420 votes. Find the total no. of votes recorded. 
(a) 3000 
(b) 600
(c) 1200
(d) 2400

3. Ram and Mohan appeared in an examination. If the difference of their marks is 60 and percentage difference of their marks is given as 30. Find the full marks for which examination has been held. 
(a) 220
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 400

4. A and B appeared in an examination. If the difference of their marks is 25 and percentage difference of their marks is given as 20%. Find the full marks for which examination has been held. 
(a) 125
(b) 100
(c) 80
(d) 120

5.One type of liquid contains 25% of milk, the other contains 30% of milk. A can filled with 6 parts of the first liquid and 4 parts of the second liquid. Find the percentage of milk in the new mixture. 
(a) 27%
(b) 25%
(c) 24%
(d) 23%

6. One type of liquid contains 14% of milk, the other contains 24% of milk. A can filled with 5 parts of the first liquid and 5 parts of the second liquid. Find the percentage of milk in the new mixture. 
(a) 19
(b) 29
(c) 20 
(d) 21 

7. The daily wage is increased by 20% and a person now gets Rs. 24 per day. What was his daily wage before the increase?
(a) 30
(b) 20
(c) 10
(d) 22

8. Due to fall in manpower, the production in a factory decrease by 25%. By what per cent should the working hour be increased to restore the original production? 
(a) 25%
(b) 24%
(c) 100/3%
(d) 26%

9. Two number are respectively 8% and 32% more than a third. What percentage is the first of the second?
(a) 800/11%
(b) 900/11%
(c) 1000/11%
(d) 950/11% 

10. An electrical contractor purchases a certain amount of wire, 10% of which was stolen. After using 85% of the remainder, he had 47 m 25 cm wire left. How much wire did he purchase?
(a) 350 m
(b) 320 m 
(c) 300 m 
(d) 370 m 

Answers will be posted soon...

Arithmetic Quant Quiz- PERCENTAGE 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 23, 2016 Dear Readers, As SSC CGL exam is coming near, many of candidates are studying very hard for this exam and want to crack this exam very...

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