Today I am sharing the word list on Phobias (Intense Fear of) which is very important for your upcoming competitive exams. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed. The list is given below:
Word List: Phobias (Intense Fear of)
Word | Definition |
Acarophobia | Fear of itching or of insects causing itching |
Acrophobia | Fear of heights |
Aerophobia | Fear of flying or draughts |
Agoraphobia | Fear of open spaces |
Agyiophobia | Fear of crossing busy streets |
Aichmophobia | Fear of sharp or pointed objects |
Ailurophobia | Fear of cats |
Algophobia | Fear of pain |
Amathophobia | Fear of dust |
Amaxophobia | Fear of riding in a car |
Ambulophobia | Fear of walking |
Anglophobia | Fear of England or the English |
Anthrophobia | Fear of humans |
Anuptaphobia | Fear of staying single |
Aquaphobia | Fear of water |
Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth |
Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders |
Astraphobia | Fear of being struck by lightning |
Astrapophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning |
Automysophobia | Fear of being dirty |
Autophobia | Fear of solitude |
Ballistophobia | Fear of missiles |
Bathophobia | Fear of falling from a high place |
Batophobia | Fear of heights or being close to tall buildings |
Batrachophobia | Fear of frogs and toads |
Belonephobia | Fear of pins and needles |
Bibliophobia | Fear of books |
Blennophobia | Fear of slime |
Brontophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning |
Cancerophobia | Fear of cancer |
Cathisophobia | Fear of sitting |
Cenophobia | Fear of empty spaces |
Chrematophobia | Fear of money |
Cibophobia | Fear of or distaste for food |
Claustrophobia | Fear of closed spaces |
Climacophobia | Fear of falling down stairs |
Clinophobia | Fear of staying in bed |
Cremnophobia | Fear of cliffs and precipices |
Cyberphobia | Fear of computers |
Cynophobia | Fear of dogs |
Dromophobia | Fear of crossing streets |
Dysmorphophobia | Fear of physical deformities |
Ecophobia | Fear of home |
Eleutherophobia | Fear of freedom |
Eosophobia | Fear of dawn |
Ergasiophobia | Fear of work |
Ergophobia | Fear of work |
Erotophobia | Fear of sex |
Erythrophobia | Fear of red lights or of blushing |
Euphobia | Fear of good news |
Francophobia | Fear of France or the French |
Gallophobia | Fear of France or the French |
Gamophobia | Fear of marriage |
Geniophobia | Fear of chins |
Genophobia | Fear of sex |
Gerascophobia | Fear of growing old |
Graphophobia | Fear of writing |
Gymnophobia | Fear of nudity |
Heliophobia | Fear of sunlight |
Herpetophobia | Fear of snakes |
Hierophobia | Fear of sacred things |
Homichlophobia | Fear of fog |
Homophobia | Fear of homosexuals |
Hydrophobia | Fear of water |
Hypsophobia | Fear of high places |
Iatrophobia | Fear of going to the doctor |
Iconophobia | Fear or hatred of images |
Kainotophobia | Fear of change |
Kakorrhaphiophobia | Fear of failure |
Kenophobia | Fear of empty spaces |
Ligyrophobia | Fear of loud noises |
Linonophobia | Fear of string |
Lygophobia | Fear of darkness |
Lyssophobia | Fear of hydrophobia |
Macrophobia | Fear of prolonged waiting |
Metrophobia | Fear of poetry |
Monophobia | Fear of being alone |
Muriphobia | Fear of mice |
Myophobia | Fear of mice |
Mysophobia | Fear of contamination or dirt |
Nebulaphobia | Fear of fog |
Necrophobia | Fear of corpses |
Negrophobia | Fear of blacks |
Neophobia | Fear of novelty |
Nosophobia | Fear of disease |
Novercaphobia | Fear of one's stepmother |
Nyctophobia | Fear of the night or darkness |
Ochlophobia | Fear of crowds |
Oenophobia | Fear or hatred of wine |
Ombrophobia | Fear of rain |
Onomatophobia | Fear of hearing a certain word |
Ophidiophobia | Fear of snakes |
Ophthalmophobia | Fear of being stared at |
Optophobia | Fear of opening one’s eyes |
Ornithophobia | Fear of birds |
Paedophobia | Fear of children; fear of dolls |
Panophobia | Melancholia marked by groundless fears |
Pantophobia | Fear of everything |
Parthophobia | Fear of virgins |
Pathophobia | Fear of disease |
Pediculophobia | Fear of lice |
Pentheraphobia | Fear or hatred of one’s mother-in-law |
Phagophobia | Fear of eating |
Phengophobia | Fear of daylight |
Phonophobia | Fear of noise or of speaking aloud |
Photophobia | Fear of light |
Pogonophobia | Fear of beards |
Psychrophobia | Fear of the cold |
Pteronophobia | Fear of being tickled by feathers |
Pyrophobia | Fear of fire |
Russophobia | Fear of Russia or Russians |
Satanophobia | Fear of the devil |
Sciaphobia | Fear of shadows |
Scopophobia | Fear of being looked at |
Scoptophobia | Fear of being looked at |
Scotophobia | Fear of the dark |
Sitiophobia | Fear of food |
Sitophobia | Fear of food or eating |
Spectrophobia | Fear of looking in a mirror |
Symmetrophobia | Fear of symmetry |
Syphilophobia | Fear of syphilis |
Taphephobia | Fear of being buried alive |
Technophobia | Fear of technology |
Thalassophobia | Fear of the sea |
Thanatophobia | Fear of death |
Theophobia | Fear of God |
Tocophobia | Fear of pregnancy or childbirth |
Tonitrophobia | Fear of thunder |
Topophobia | Fear of performing; fear of certain places |
Toxicophobia | Fear of poisoning |
Toxiphobia | Fear of poison or being poisoned |
Triskaidekaphobia | Fear of the number thirteen |
Uranophobia | Fear of heaven |
Xenophobia | Fear of foreigners |
Zelophobia | Fear of jealousy |
Zoophobia | Fear of animals |
Word List: Phobias (Intense Fear of) - PDF Version
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