Target SSC CGL 2016- History Quiz set- 31

March 8, 2016    

Dear SSC Aspirants, practice General awareness questions for upcoming CGL 2016 and Railway recruitment board exam of 18000 vacancies. We will provide you various types of Quizzes for CGL 2016.

1. The major region of copper mines during the Mughal period was___?
1.  Bengal
2.  Rajasthan
3.  Agra
4.  Bihar

2. Which among the following is a correct meaning of office of Qazi-ul-Quzat under the Mughals?
1.  Head of the Finance department
2.  Censor of Public morals
3.  Supreme Authority in Justice
4.  Incharge of charities

3. Gadar-Dal was founded at—
1.  Berlin
2.  Tokyo
3.  Washington
4.  San Francisco

4. AurbindoGhosh was defended in the Alipur conspiracy case by—
1.  TejBahadurSapru
2.  Motilal Nehru
3.  JawaharLal Nehru
4.  Chitranjan Das

5. Where was the world's largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed ?
1. Bamiyan
2. Hyderabad
3. Kandy
4. Lhasa

6. Which among the following MATH is related with Buddhism ?
1. Dakhma
2. Chaitya
3. Khangah
4. Angeri

7. The 'Doctrine of Lapse' was first applied to the Princely State of
1. Satara
2. Jhansi
3. Oudh
4. Jaunpur

8. Muhammad Bin-Tughlaq was proficient in
1. Art
2. Music
3. Calligrapgy
4. Philosophy

9. The Harappan Civilisation was discovered in the year?
1. 1935
2. 1942
3. 1901
4. 1922

10. Who started the first English newspaper in India?
1. Bal gangadhar tilak'
2. Raja Rammohan Roy
3. J. A Hickey
4. Lord William Bentinck

10- 3

Target SSC CGL 2016- History Quiz set- 31 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 8, 2016 Dear SSC Aspirants, practice General awareness questions for upcoming CGL 2016 and Railway recruitment board exam of 18000 vacancies. We wil...

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