Night Class: Reasoning Quiz

March 28, 2016    

Directions : These questions are based on the following information.
In a board meeting of officers there were eight members, whose names are Aman, Baman, Chaman, Dhawan, Gagan, Magan, Naman, Pawan. Following information is about their sitting arrangement around a rectangular table on which three persons sit on the each longer side and one sits on the each smaller side.
1. There are two head officers and they sit on the single sides of the table. Dhawan and Pawan are not near Aman.

2. Magan sits on the corner of the longer side.
3. Gagan is diagonally opposite to Magan.
4. There is only one person between Gagan and Chaman
5. Baman is the head officer. He sits near Chaman, who is diagonally opposite to Naman.
6. Magan and Baman are not adjacent. Pawan is 3rd left of Gagan and he is not head officer.
7. Aman sits on the middle of longer side.
1. Who is in front of Pawan?
2) Magan 
3) Naman 
4) Gagan 
2. Who is the second head other than Baman?
1) Magan 
2) Dhawan 
3) Pawan 
3. Who are these three persons who sit on the same side?
1) Gagan, Aman, Dhawan 
2) Chaman, Pawan, Gagan 
3) Naman, Aman, Chaman.
4) Aman, Naman, Gagan 
5) Can’t be determined
4. Who is between Dhawan and Gagan?
1) Aman, Pawan 
2) Aman, Naman 
3) Naman, Magan
4) Aman, Magan 
5) Magan, Pawan
5. What is the sitting position of Pawan?
1) 2nd left of Magan 
2) 3rd right of Aman 
3) diagonally opposite of Gagan
4) 2nd right of Dhawan 
5) 2nd left of Chaman
Directions : Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below.
Statements: Some preferences in India are based on patriarchal customs and traditions and the patrilineal form of inheritance, where the inheritance is obtained through the common male ancestors and the sons inherit more than the daughters. Among the Hindus, it is largely believed that only a son can light the funeral pyre and offer prayers to ancestors, that the son remains a part of the family whereas the daughter becomes a part of another family, that Kanyadaan (giving away of a daughter in marriage) is a necessary spiritual obligation, and that only a son can provide old-age security.
6. Which of the following can be an assumption in the above passage?
1) India has a patriarchal society.
2) In Indian families, females are persecuted.
3) All the daughters are not given away in marriage.
4) Those families which beget no son face social opprobrium.
5) None of these
7. Which of the following statements weakens the idea expressed in the above passage?
1) Today many girls in India are opting for love marriage.
2) Women in India are largely uneducated and backward in outlook.
3) Modern girls are highly educated and they have demolished most of the traditional myths that girls are inferior to boys.
4) There are still many pockets of India where discrimination against girls is rampant.
5) None of these
8. Which of the following can be an inference from the above passage?
1) The traditions of the Hindus are very discriminatory against women as compared to what is in practice in Islam.
2) Kanyadaan is a mandatory process for all Hindu households.
3) There are many customs and traditions among the Hindus which weaken the position of women in India.
4) Women are themselves responsible for their inferior position in the Indian society.
5) None of these
9. Which of the following statements strengthens the idea expressed in the above passage?
1) Despite all legal efforts, the position of women in Indian society is very low.
2) Besides traditionally bestowed low position to women in India, khap panchayats and frequent fatwas issued by Ulemas add to the discomfiture of women.
3) While the north-eastern and southern parts of India are matrilineal, rest of the country is patrilineal.
4) The Hindus are more traditional than the people belonging to other religions.
5) None of these
10. Statement: Every holy river in India is going to lose its holiness and the percentage of pollution is only increasing in spite of spending millions of rupees for its treatment by the government.
Which of the following can be an inference of the above statement?
1) The government is not serious about cleaning rivers in India.
2) Pollution divests rivers of their holiness.
3) India is using polluted river water for drinking purposes.
4) India is averse to seeking overseas technical help for cleaning its rivers.
5) None of these


1. 1; Aman is in front of Pawan.
2. 2; Dhawan is the second host.
3. 4; Aman, Naman, and Gagan sit on the same side.
4. 2; Aman and Naman sit between Dhawan and Gagan.
5. 4; Pawan is 2nd right to Dhawan.

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Night Class: Reasoning Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 28, 2016 Directions : These questions are based on the following information. In a board meeting of officers there were eight members, whose names ...

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