Dear Readers,
In this article you will get RRB Numerical Ability Pattern, Syllabus & Topic Wise Preparation Tips for Numerical Ability section of RRB exam.
In this article you will get RRB Numerical Ability Pattern, Syllabus & Topic Wise Preparation Tips for Numerical Ability section of RRB exam.
RRB Numerical Ability Pattern:
- No. of questions: 25
- Total marks: 25
- Marks per correct answer:1
- Negative Marking for incorrect answer: 0.33
RRB Numerical Ability Syllabus:
- Number Series.
- Simplification, Square & cube roots
- Number System
- Fraction, LCM, HCF
- Average
- Problems on Ages
- Percentage
- Partnership
- SI / CI
- Profit and Loss
- Time and Work
- Pipes and Cistern
- Work and Wages
- Time and Distance & problems on Trains
- Boats and streams
- Ratio & Proportion
- Mixture and Alligation
- Permutation and combination
- Mensuration
- Probability
- Data Sufficiency
- Data Interpretation.
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RRB Numerical Ability: Topic Wise Preparation Tips:
In these type of questions, A series of numbers is given. All of which are interconnected with one another. The best part is that once you identify the pattern, solving the question becomes a cakewalk.- There can be many patterns. viz.
- Prime Numbers.
- Squares/ Cubes.
- Patterns in differences.
- Pattern in alternate numbers.
- Geometric series.
- Odd one out.
- Cube roots/ square roots.
Simplification, Square & cube roots:
- Simplification is the basic concept of Numerical Ability.2-3 questions on simplification, approximation can be expected. You need to learn square roots up to 20 and cube roots up to 10. It will help you in every question and calculations will be easier for you.
Average, Problems on Ages, Percentage, Partnership & SI / CI:
- From these topics 2-3 questions can be expected. Average questions can be solved by logic or formula. For Problems on Ages try to solve these type of questions by options. And 0ther type of questions can be solved easily if your concept is clear.
Time and Work, Pipes and Cistern & Work and Wages:
- Time and work concept is similar to Pipes and cistern& Work and Wages. Try to do these topics in a sequence. 1-2 questions can be expected form these topics.
Time and Distance & Problems on Trains
- Time and Distance& Trains is one of the scoring topic. It includes the Speed, Time and Distance, by using formula question can be easily solved.
Ratio and Proportion & Mixture and Alligation
- Ratio and Proportion is the easist topic in Numerical ability and it is the scoring topic.
Data Sufficiency:
- In Data Sufficiency above given all topics can be asked. It Includes two statements. Read the given statements and do not to assume any data on your own.
- Use the first statement and combine it with main statement. If you get the answer answer is first statement is sufficient to answer the question.
- If first statement is not sufficient to find the answer, then take the second statement individually and combine with the main statement. If you can get the answer then answer is second statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
- Don't solve the question: Ask yourself whether the question could be solved with the information given in the statements. These questions are not supposed to involve long and drawn-out calculations. However if you still find yourself doing a lot of calculations, there is certainly something you're not seeing.
Data Interpretation:
- Data Interpretation is one of the most important part of the quantitative aptitude section.
- If you follow the recent pattern of questions, the Quantitative section will definitely have one and sometimes even more than one DI questions.
- Most of the questions are from Pie charts, bar diagram and graphs.
- Read the questions carefully and understand what is being asked. Don't start solving as soon as you see the question and the figures. Read and understand what is asked. Chances are that there will be a few questions that won't even need calculations.
- Weigh your option. There will always be some questions that are comparatively easier to solve than others. Identify these questions and solve them quickly.
- Focus on solving one question at a time. Do not think about the next or the previous question and deliberately waste time and even end up solving the question wrong. Immerse yourself completely on the question at hand and if you feel its taking longer time then move to the next question.
RRB Numerical Ability Daily Study Plan:
- Do not try to study new topic on last moment because you will get more confused and you can loose your morale.
- "Accuracy and Speed" are the keys for scoring maximum in this section.
- Give 3-4 hours daily for Quantitative Aptitude preparation. Take each topic for 1 day or 2 days and solve maximum questions possible on that topic.
- Talk to experts about doubtfull topics and get your doubts solved.
- Start giving Mock Tests. Identify topics you are strong and weak in and again attempt those topics in which you are weak.
- Mock Tests will also help you to prepare a timing strategy.
- And do Practice, Practice and Practice on daily basis.
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