Today’s Word from The Hindu
1. Roundabout
•Meaning: Marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct
•Synonym: collateral, indirect, discursive
•Antonym: direct, honest, straightforward
•Sentence:Hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend
2. Sops
•Meaning: A concession given to mollify or placate
•Synonym: douse, weakling, steep
•Antonym: dehydrate, dry
•Sentence:The offer was a sop to my feelings
3. Parched
•Meaning: Dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight
•Synonym: scorched, withered, shrivelled
•Antonym: moist, damp, dry
•Sentence:Parched corn was a staple of the Indian diet
4. Tack
•Meaning: An approach or course of action, esp. a new one
•Synonym: tangent, echelon, digression
•Antonym: stagnation
•Sentence:He stopped for a moment, collecting his thoughts, before deciding to try a different tack
5. Trinkets
•Meaning: Cheap showy jewellery or ornament on clothing
•Synonym: bauble, curio, bagatelle
•Antonym: not shinny
•Sentence:They had this morning put on their best clothes, and all their trinkets.
6. Scintillating
•Meaning: Marked by high spirits or excitement; Brilliantly clever
•Synonym: dazzling, gleaming, glinting
•Antonym: dull, blah
•Sentence:Does a constellation scintillate more brightly than a single star
7. Chinks
•Meaning: A narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall; Make or emit a high sound
•Synonym: crevice, fissure, aperture
•Antonym: closure, closing, solid
•Sentence:They ride silently like shadows, with no clatter of stirrup or chink of bit.
8. Hinterland
•Meaning: A remote and undeveloped area
•Synonym: boondocks, outback, frontier
•Antonym: metropolis
•Sentence:Maliks rule the hinterland of Afghanistan under the protection of warlords
9. Monotony
•Meaning: The quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety
•Synonym: tedium, tediousness, invariability
•Antonym: dissimilarity, stoppage, versatility
•Sentence:He had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work
10. Interminable
•Meaning: Tiresomely long; seemingly without end
•Synonym: incessant, perpetual, ceaseless
•Antonym: ephemeral, transient, terminable
•Sentence:He is weary of the interminable procession of comfortless nights and days
All The Best!!!
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