Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL

March 3, 2016    

Today’s Word from The Hindu

1. Agog
•Meaning: Highly excited
•Synonym: avid, eager, enthralled
•Antonym: uninterested
•Sentence:The internet users are agog over Google
2. Eulogise
•Meaning: Praise formally and eloquently
•Synonym: extol, acclaim, magnify
•Antonym: castigate, calumniate, censure
•Sentence:The dead woman was eulogised at the funeral

3. Aplomb
•Meaning: Great coolness and composure under strain
•Synonym: equanimity, nonchalance, assurance
•Antonym: fear, gaucheness
•Sentence:Miss Milbrey disunited the chatting couple with swiftness and aplomb.

4. Bastion
•Meaning: A group that defends a principle
•Synonym: bulwark, citadel, fortress
•Antonym: weak spot, weakness
•Sentence:Your bastion is to be stormed this afternoon previous to the general assault.

5. Derisive
•Meaning: Abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule
•Synonym: cheeky, disdainful, scornful
•Antonym: kind, polite, flattering
•Sentence:A laugh, derisive but not discourteous to himself, greeted the question.

6. Thwart
•Meaning: Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
•Synonym: circumvent, stymie, outwit
•Antonym: abet, liberate. facilitate
•Sentence:By this means we shall know their plots, and will thwart them, you by listening to my enemies and I to yours.

7. Trounce
•Meaning: Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
•Synonym: clobber, swamp, lambaste
•Antonym: underwhelm, forfeit, preserve
•Sentence:We trounced the other team on Sunday

8. Whimsical
•Meaning: Determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
•Synonym: fanciful, capricious, kinky
•Antonym: tragic, regular, sensible
•Sentence:The whimsical smile with which he accompanied the speech disarmed me.

9. Macabre
•Meaning: Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
•Synonym: ghastly, ghoulish, morbid
•Antonym: cheerful, happy, pretty
•Sentence:Macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages

10. Dialectic
•Meaning: Any formal system of reasoning that arrives at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments
•Synonym: persuasive, rational, polemical
•Antonym: illogical, irrational
•Sentence:This situation created the inner dialectic of American history

All The Best!!!

Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 3, 2016 Today’s Word from The Hindu 1. Agog •Meaning: Highly excited •Synonym: avid, eager, enthralled •Antonym: uninterested •Sentence:The i...

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