Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL

March 19, 2016    

Today’s Word from The Hindu

1. Inebriated
•Meaning: Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
•Synonym: bombed, plastered, boozy
•Antonym: sober, straight
•Sentence:He arrived late in the banqueting hall, and there were indications that he was inebriated.

2. Altercation
•Meaning: Noisy quarrel
•Synonym: wrangle, embroilment, rumble
•Antonym: concord, harmony, peace
•Sentence:The Rao Sahib interposed, fearful of an altercation between his two most skillful commanders.

3. Picket
•Meaning: A protester or group of protestors posted outside a place of work, esp. during a strike to encourage others not to go to work
•Synonym: palisade, stanchion. upright
•Sentence:One picket had been posted at the end of a loop in a chain of valleys.

4. Timid
•Meaning: Showing fear and lack of confidence
•Synonym: ambivalent, bashful, vacillating
•Antonym: conceited, egotistical, extrovert
•Sentence:Problems call for bold not timid responses

5. Expats
•Meaning: A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country
•Synonym: expellee, exile, expatriate
•Antonym: citizen, national, native
•Sentence:A network of expats in London keeps her from missing the family she left behind.

6. Inclement
•Meaning: Used of persons or behaviour; showing no clemency or mercy
•Synonym: brutal, tempestuous, intemperate
•Antonym: merciful, sympathetic, mild
•Sentence:The harsh sentence of an inclement judge

7. Striving
•Meaning: An effortful attempt to attain a goal
•Synonym: conation, conatus, attempt
•Antonym: desultory, feeble, indolent
•Sentence:We strive to make our customers happy

8. Purport
•Meaning:Have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming
•Synonym: acceptation, tenor, upshot
•Antonym: exterior, insignificance, outside
•Sentence:The letter purports to express people's opinion

9. Stout
•Meaning: Dependable; Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships
•Synonym: overweight, porcine, tubby
•Antonym: skinny, weak, slight
•Sentence:Men are portly and women are stout

10. Amiss
•Meaning: Away from the correct or expected course
•Synonym: untoward, haywire, awry
•Antonym: proper, suitable, good
•Sentence:Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practised more

All The Best !!!!!

Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 19, 2016 Today’s Word from The Hindu 1. Inebriated •Meaning: Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol) •Synonym: bomb...

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