Dear FriendsHere is the Expected GK Questions from Census 2011 were given here. Those candidates who are preparing for Railways RRB, SSC CGL and Upcoming Exams in 2016 can use this material for preparation.
Questions |
Answers |
Census 2011 is the which census of India |
15th (After Independence-7th) |
Slogan of Census 2011 |
Our Census, Our Future.
Census Commissioner of India in 2011 |
C. Chanderamouli. |
Total Population of India According to 2011 census |
121 crore |
According to census 2011 what is the population density of India |
382 |
What is the total number districts in India as per census 2011? |
640 |
According to Census 2011, India has the what % of World’s population? |
17.5% |
What is the population growth rate of India in Census 2011? |
17.64% |
What is the total literacy rate of India? |
74.04% |
Male literacy rate of India as per Census 2011 |
82.14%, |
Female literacy rate of India as per Census 2011 |
65.46% |
Most literate state in India (Rate) |
Kerala (93.91%) |
Least Literate state in India (Rate) |
Bihar(63.82%) |
Most Literate Union Territory in India (Rate) |
Lakshadweep (91.85%) |
Least Literate Union Territory in India (Rate) |
Dadar and Nagar Haveli |
Most populated State in India |
Uttar Pradesh |
Least populated State in India |
Sikkim |
According to Census 2011 which Indian state has highest fertility rate? |
Meghalaya |
State with Highest population density |
Bihar(1102) |
State with Lowest population density |
Arunachal Pradesh(17) |
Female sex ratio against 1000 male |
940 females |
State with Highest sex ratio |
Kerala (1084/1000) |
State with Lowest sex ratio? |
Haryana |
UT which has Highest Sex Ratio |
Pondicherry |
UT which has Lowest Sex Ratio |
Lakshadeep |
State which has Highest urban population |
Maharashtra |
State which has Lowest urban population |
Sikkim |
State which has Highest rural population |
Uttar Pradesh |
State which has Lowest rural population? |
Sikkim |
According to Census 2011 which is the most populated district |
Thane |
Which Union Territory has Lowest population with the Population of 64,429 |
Lakshadweep |
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