English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 9th March 2016

March 11, 2016    

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 9th March 2016. Happy Reading :)

Topic 1 : "Don’t compromise on privacy"
  • Privacy - a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people
  • Validity - the ​state of being ​officially ​true or ​legally acceptable
  • Ambitious - having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
  • Seeks - desire to obtain or achieve (something)
  • Demography -  the ​study of ​changes in the ​number of ​births, ​marriages, ​deaths, etc. in a ​particular ​area during a ​period of ​time
  • Biometric - referring to ​detailed ​information about someone's ​body, such as the ​patterns of ​colour in ​their ​eyes / fingerprints etc, that can be used to ​prove who that ​person is
  • Amid - ​surrounded by
  • Clause - a ​particular ​part of a written ​legal ​document
  • Reassuring - say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone
  • Virtue - behaviour showing high moral standards
  • Bypassing - to ​ignore a ​rule or ​official ​authority
  • Bipartisan - involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies
  • Consensus - a general agreement
  • Scrutiny - critical observation or examination
  • Vital - absolutely necessary / essential
  • For instance - for example
  • Certain - some
  • Ruling - an authoritative decision made by judge
  • Concern - important point which is to be worried about
  • Provisions - a ​statement within an ​agreement or a ​law that a ​particular thing must ​happen or be done
  • Repository - a central location in which data is stored and managed
  • Exception - something that is not ​included in a list / statement / law
  • Unease - a ​feeling of being worried about something
  • Flagged - highlighted
  • Confidentiality - the state of being secret
  • Nonetheless - in spite of that
  • Robust - strong
  • Rendered - provided
  • Vulnerable - exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed
  • Snooping - to ​look around a ​place ​secretly, in ​order to ​discover things or ​find out ​information about someone or something
  • Alongside - together / in cooperation with
  • Trigger - to ​cause something ​bad to ​start
  • Streamline - to ​improve the ​effectiveness
  • Empower - give (someone) the authority or power to do something

Topic 2 : "Government cuts its losses on EPF"
  • Mounting - increasing
  • Ill-conceived - not carefully planned or considered
  • Deservedly - it ​deserve it to ​happen
  • Burial - the act of putting something into ground (unwanted things / dead bodies)
  • Comprehensive - complete (including everything that is ​necessary)
  • Employer - boss (a person / organization which gives work to you and pays for it)
  • Rationale - the ​reasons that ​cause a ​particular set of ​beliefs or ​actions
  • Parity - the condition of being equal
  • Regime - a system or ordered way of doing things
  • Accumulate - to ​gradually ​increase in ​number or ​amount
  • Volte-face - a sudden change in an action / policy which is completely opposite
  • Statutory - permitted / required
  • Default - to fail to do something
  • Hostages - something that is controlled by an outside influence
  • Citing - stating / refer to something
  • Constituency - a group of voters in a specified area
  • Ammunition - facts that can be used to ​support your ​argument (especially to defeat opponents)
  • Aggressive - very angry and ready to attack
  • Alliance - a union or association formed for mutual benefit
  • Climbdown - to ​change ​your ​opinion or ​admit that you were ​wrong
  • Status quo - the ​present ​situation
  • Liability - the state of being legally responsible for something
  • Annuity - a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, for the rest of their life
  • Induced - to cause something happen
  • Strident - loud and harsh
  • Abruptly - suddenly / unexpectedly
  • Coercive - forceful
  • Nudged - pushed
  • Transition - change
  • Intention - something that you ​want and ​plan to do
  • Out-of-the-blue - completely unexpected
  • Uproar - a ​situation in which a lot of ​people ​complain about something ​angrily
  • Sheepish - embarrassed because you ​know that you have done something ​wrong or ​silly
  • Rollback - reduction / restore of something
  • U-turn - a change of plan
  • Ushering - guiding
  • Holistic - dealing with or ​treating the ​whole of something or someone and not just a ​part

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 9th March 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 11, 2016 sponsored links Hi Friends, I am Kani . Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 9th March 2016 . ...

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