English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 17th March 2016

March 21, 2016    

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 17th March 2016. Happy Reading :)
Topic 1 : "Caste atrocities and political abdication"
  • Atrocity - an ​extremely ​cruel, ​violent, or ​shocking ​act
  • Abdication - failure to fulfil a responsibility or duty
  • Fspect - a particular part or feature of something
  • Resurgence - a new ​increase of an ​activity (which had been ​forgotten for some ​time)
  • Disregard - pay no attention to something / ignore
  • Conflict - a serious disagreement
  • Hegemonic - the ​position of being the ​strongest and most ​powerful and ​therefore ​able to ​control ​others
  • Anachronistic - old-fashioned
  • Notion - a ​belief or ​idea
  • Mercenaries - people who ​fights for anybody who ​pays them
  • Brutally - in cruel / ​violent manner
  • Slay - kill a person (or animal) in a violent way
  • Wounded - ​injured (especially with a ​cut or ​hole in the ​skin)
  • Merely - only / just
  • Lack of something - the ​fact that something is not ​available
  • Disquieting - causing worry
  • Pursue - follow / chase
  • Honour killing - the killing of a relative (especially a girl or woman) who brought dishonour on the family
  • Dishonour - a state of shame (loss of people's ​respect)
  • Rendering - the way that something is ​performed
  • Transgressor - person who violates a rule / crosses his (or her) limits
  • Victim - a person harmed, injured, or killed
  • Mores - the ​traditional ​customs of society
  • Deemed - to ​consider or ​judge something in a ​particular way
  • Riot - a violent disturbance of the peace by a group of people
  • Emphasis - special importance / value
  • Vengeance - the ​punishing of someone for ​harming you or ​your ​friends or ​family
  • Alleged - said something without proof
  • Assertion - a ​statement that you ​strongly ​believe is ​true
  • Regrettable - making you ​feel ​sad and ​sorry about something
  • Condemn - express complete disapproval
  • Seldom - rarely (not often)
  • Confront -  to ​face a ​difficult ​situation
  • Arrogance - ​being unpleasantly ​proud and ​behaving as if you are more ​important than other ​people
  • Patronage - the ​support given to a group by someone
  • Lobbies - people who have good control over political parties / government
  • Fulsome - expressing a lot of ​admiration or ​praise for someone
  • Adherents - people who supports a particular party / caste / group
  • Shallow - not ​so ​serious or ​careful
  • Consciousness - the ​state of ​understanding and ​realizing something
  • Reform - make changes in something in order to improve it
  • Futile - having no ​effect or ​achieving nothing
  • Credence - to believe that something is true
  • Denied - to say that something is not ​true
  • Disgraceful - shockingly unacceptable.

Topic 2 : "A new chapter in Myanmar"
  • Watershed moment - important turning point / historical change
  • Seized - take hold of something suddenly and forcibly
  • Repressive - to not ​allow something
  • Regime - government
  • Denied - refuse to give something requested or desired
  • Isolated - to ​separate something from other things
  • Legitimate - allowed by ​law (​reasonable and ​acceptable)
  • Provision - a ​statement within an ​agreement or a ​law that a ​particular thing must ​happen or be done
  • Bear fruit - to produce successful ​results
  • Irrespective - without ​considering
  • Constitutional - ​allowed by a ​constitution (set of ​political rules)
  • Firm - strong
  • Uphill - ​leading to a ​higher ​place
  • Junta - a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force
  • Stagnated - to ​stay the same and not ​grow or ​develop
  • Trapping - getting into a ​dangerous or ​unpleasant ​situation from which it is ​difficult or ​impossible to ​escape
  • Acute - if a ​bad ​situation is acute, it ​causes ​severe ​problems or ​damage
  • Back on track - getting something in a correct position
  • Takeover - an act of getting control of something
  • Wield - to have a lot of ​influence or ​power over other ​people
  • Enormous - very large in size
  • Amendments - minor changes
  • Cede - to give up power
  • Abroad - in foreign countries
  • Expedite - to make something ​happen more ​quickly
  • Transition - a ​change from one ​form or ​type to another

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 17th March 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 21, 2016 sponsored links Hi Friends, I am Kani . Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 17th March 2016 ....

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