English Set- Cloze test

March 9, 2016    

Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

India's approach towards treatment of (1) banks is yet another interesting issue. Rather than closing them down, policy makers in India have shown a preference to (2) such banks with healthy public sector   banks. It has been (3) in certain circles that such an approach may give rise to a moral hazard problem.  However, two issues need (4) in this context. First, commercial banks are the most dominant and systemically important segment of the financial system. Second, over 70 per cent of the bank depositors in India are small depositors. Therefore, systemic concerns coupled with the necessity to (5) the interest of small depositors have been (6) in the minds of policy makers while (7) with insolvent banks. This issue had not (8) much attention in the context of a predominantly government-owned banking system. As the weight of private banks increases further thinking will need to be done on this subject, both in terms of (9) of insolvency through advance regulatory supervision and action, and post-insolvency measures that (10) moral hazard and eventual fiscal cost.

1) insolvent
2) foreign
3) cooperative
4) small
5) private

1) dissolve
2) relegate
3) anchor
4) merge
5) connect

1) resolved
2) felt
3) promised
4) identified
5) done

1) resolutions
2) decisions
3) approaches
4) priority
5) consideration

1) enhance
2) increase
3) safeguard
4) rationalize
5) evolve

1) paramount
2) superficial
3) extradited
4) vested
5) imbibing

1) conniving
2) coping
3) absorbing
4) dealing
5) conversing

1) paid
2) offered
3) deserved
4) distracted
5) received

1) enhancement
2) prevention
3) attachment
4) refurbishment
5) expedition

1) anticipate
2) provoke
3) discourage
4) envisage
5) create

1. (1)
2. (4)
3. (2)
4. (5)
5. (3)
6. (1)
7. (4)
8. (5)
9. (2)
10. (3)

English Set- Cloze test 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 9, 2016 Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suit...

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