Daily Wordlist

March 25, 2016    

Dear Readers,

Here is the Daily Word list for you to improve your verbal as well as your written English. Now a days Level of English section has been increased in Competitive Exam and same will be continue for other upcoming Banking Exams. So learn these words and try to use them in your day to day lives, starting now down below in the comments section.

1. Amalgam (n) : A mixture or blend.
Synonyms : Combination, Union, Merger, Blend, Mixture
Use : The dentist uses a mixture of amalgams to clean the teeth.
2. Unkempt (adj) :  Having an untidy or dishevelled appearance
Synonyms : Untidy, Messy, Scruffy
Use : The unkempt garden was filled with weeds.
3.Vanquish (v) : Defeat thoroughly.
Synonyms : Conquer , Trounce, Annihilate
Use : Without additional troops, our army will not be able to vanquish the enemy forces.
4.Vile (adj) : Extremely unpleasant.
Synonyms : Foul, Nasty, Unpleasant
Use : Slavery was a vile practice used to obtain free labor.
5.Toil (v) : Work extremely hard or incessantly.
Synonyms : Hard work , Struggle, Effort
Use : Indians toiled hard for the independence.
6.Unobtrusive  (adj) :  Not conspicuous or attracting attention.
Synonyms : Self-effacing, Retiring, Unassuming, Modest
Use : The principal tried to be unobtrusive as he quietly entered the classroom to observe the class.
7.Vaguely (adv) : In a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear.
Synonyms : Roughly,  Approximately, Virtually
Use :Your face is vaguely familiar, but I can't remember where we met.
8.Skulk (v) : Cowardly motive.
Synonyms : Lurk, Loiter, Hide
Use :The shoplifter tried to skulk through the store while carrying a bunch of expensive jeans.
9.Rue (v) : Bitterly regret
Synonyms : Regret , Apologize
Use : My husband will rue the day he ever cheated on me.
10.Portent (n) : A sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen.
Synonyms : Omen, Sign, Indication, Presage,
Use : The thunder was a portent of an approaching storm.

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Daily Wordlist 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 25, 2016 Dear Readers, Here is the Daily Word list for you to improve your verbal as well as your written English. Now a days Level of English sec...

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