Daily Wordlist

March 14, 2016    

Dear Readers,

Here is the Daily Word list for you to improve your verbal as well as your written English. Now a days Level of English section has been increased in Competitive Exam and same will be continue for other upcoming Banking Exams. So learn these words and try to use them in your day to day lives, starting now down below in the comments section.

1.Unruffled (adj): Not disarranged or disordered 
Synonyms: Even, Tranquil,Placid ,Calm.
Use: Though he was insulted, he remained unruffled.
2.Teem (v): Be full of or swarming with.
Synonyms: Be plentiful,Bristle,Swarm
Use: The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen.
3.Camaraderie (n): Friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
Synonyms: Affinity,Togetherness ,Comradeship
Use: The camaraderie between the two Players saved the match.
4.Vilify (v): Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner
Synonyms: Disparage,Condemn,Denigrate
Use: The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews.
5.Frivolous (adj): Carefree and superficial person
Synonyms: Facetious,Fatuous,Senseless,Thoughtless
Use: Frivolous questions are a waste of time.
6.Escapades (n): An act or incident involving excitement,adventure or daring .
Synonyms: Jape,Fling,Spree
Use: Frank was nervous about participating in the dangerous escapade.
7.Epitaph (n): Something by which a person, time and event will be remembered.
Synonyms: Elegy,Commemoration,Obituary
Use: The highly eulogistic epitaph on his monument at Bushley was written by Edmund Burke.
8.Fragile (adj): Easily damaged or destroyed
Synonyms: Insubstantial,Delicate,Dainty,Fine.
Use: The balance of nature is very fragile.
9.Stockpile (v): Accumulate or a large stock of anything.
Synonyms: Amass,Accumulate, Hoard,Cache,
Use: North Korea has a large stockpile of short-range missiles.
10.Exonerate (v): Absolve someone from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
Synonyms: Acquit,Relieve,Free,Liberate.
Use: No one is going to exonerate North Korea for the Hydrogen bomb Development.

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Daily Wordlist 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 14, 2016 Dear Readers, Here is the Daily Word list for you to improve your verbal as well as your written English. Now a days Level of English sec...

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