Computer Quiz

March 7, 2016    

1. __________________ applications refers to those applications in which text, sound, graphics, motion video and animation are all combined.
a.) Animation
b.) Multimedia
c.) Maxmedia
d.) Flash
e.) None of these

2. A language that refers to the way people think mathematically is called as __________
a.) Functional language
b.) Cross-platform language
c.) Event driven programming language
d.) None of these

3. When you are typing the text in a document, you would need to hit the enter key at the end of every ____________.
a.) Line
b.) Sentence
c.) Paragraph
d.) Word
e.) File

4. ___________________ is a set of rules that tell the computer what to do.
a.) Procedural language
b.) Natural language
c.) Command language
d.) Programming language
e.) Instructions

5. The programs and data processed by the CPU are stored in _______________
a.) Internal Memory
b.) External Memory
c.) Mass Memory
d.) Non-volatile memory
e.) None of these

6. _____________ refers to a set of characters of a particular design.
a.) Calligraph
b.) Typeface
c.) Keyface
d.) Formation
e.) None of these

7. ___________ is the detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program accompanied by the test results and a printout of the program.
a.) Output
b.) Spec Sheets
c.) Documentation
d.) Report
e.) Detail sheet

8. In a slide presentation, a typical slide does not have ___________
a.) Photo images, charts, graphs
b.) Clip arts
c.) Audio Clips
d.) Content
e.) Full motion video

9. In ____________, a file is transferred from another computer to your computer.
a.) Copy
b.) Upload
c.) Download
d.) Upgrade
e.) RSS

10. ____________ in a computer is used for calculation and comparison.
a.) ALU
b.) ROM
c.) CPU
d.) Control Unit
e.) None of these

3. C
4. D
5. D
7. B
10. A

Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 7, 2016 1. __________________ applications refers to those applications in which text, sound, graphics, motion video and animation are all combined....

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