Banking Quiz

March 28, 2016    

Dear Readers, Banking Awareness Questions play important role in General Awareness section. Around 50-60% of questions  from Banking Awareness which includes recent Banking updates also.

Try to Answer Banking Awareness questions given in this post. We will provide you more questions in next post.

1. The Holidays for the Banks are declared as per which of the following Act –
1) Reserve bank Act
2) Banking Regulation Act – 1949
3) Negotiable instrument Act –1881
4) Companies Act – 1956
5) None of these

2. Interest rate "Savings deposit" now a days is decided by –
1) RBI
2) SBI
3) Respective Banks
4) IBA
5) None of these

3. "ASBA" stands for –
1) Application supported by bank account
2) Application supported by balance account
3) Application supported by blocked account
4) Application supported by blocked amount
5) None of these

4. FCCB stands for –
1) Foreign currency convertible bonds
2) Forex currency convertible bonds
3) Form currency convertible bonds
4) Future currency convertible bonds
5) None of these

5. "De – Mat" account is regulated by –
1) RBI
2) SBI
5) None of these

6. Banking ombudsman is appointed by –
1) Union government
2) RBI
3) Respective state government
4) Exim bank
5) None of these

7. How much maximum amount that is insured by "deposit insurance" credit corporation (DICGC) –
1) Rs. 50000
2) Rs. 100000
3) Rs. 10000
4) Rs. 500000
5) None of these

8. How much quantity of coins to be minted decided by –
1) RBI
2) Union government
3) SBI
5) None of these

9. RBI can issue bank notes of maximum denomination –
1) Rs. 1000
2 ) Rs. 500
3) Rs. 10000
4) Rs. 20000
5) None of these

10. Life span of Rs. 10 notes are –
1) 10-15 months
2) 16-19 months
3) 10-18 months
4) 1-12 months
5) 20-25 months

1. 3
2. 3
3. 4
4. 1
5. 4
6. 2
7. 2
8. 2
9. 3
10. 5

Banking Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 28, 2016 Dear Readers, Banking Awareness Questions play important role in General Awareness section. Around 50-60% of questions  from Banking Awarene...

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