Dear Readers,
We are today providing you a Study Notes of Direction Test for SSC CGL 2016,SSC CHSL, SSC CPO,
Verbal reasoning comprises of a very important concept that is – Directions. It is one of the easiest topics to score in most of the SSC Exams. The Concept behind the Directions is same that we use in our day to day life. This direction sense test is nothing but a precise of sensing the direction. To solve the direction sense test first you need to make a sketch of the data provided.
Tricks for solving questions based on Sense of Directions
1. Four main Directions – North, South, East, West
2. Four Cardinal Direction – North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West
3. Always mark the starting point and end point different from the other points.
4. At the time of sunrise if a man stands facing the east, his shadow will be towards the west.
5. At the time of sunset, if a man stands facing the east the shadow of an object is always in the east.
6. If a man stands facing the North, at the time of sunrise his shadow will be towards his left and at the time of sunset it will be towards his right.
7. At 12:00 noon, the rays of the sun are vertically downward hence there will be no shadow.
8. One should be aware of basic geometric rule, such as Pythagoras Theorem.
Ex. 1: Rishabh walked 2 km west of his house and then turned south covering 4 k. Finally, he moved 3 km towards east and then again 1 km west. How far is he from his initial position ?
(1) 2 km
(2) 4 km
(c) 9 km
(d) 10 km
(e) None of these
Sol. 2 Rishabh starts from his house at A, moves 2 km west upto, B then 4 km to the south upto C, 3 km eat upto D and finally 1 km west upto E. Thus, his distance from the initial position A =AE = BC = 4 km. Hence, the answer is (2)
EX 2: A man walks 6 km to the east and then turns to the south and walks 5 km. Again he turns to the east and walks 6 km. Next, he turns northwards and walks 10 km. How far is he now from his starting point ?
(1) 5 km
(2) 12 km
(3) 13 km
(4) 17 km
(5) 9 km
Sol. (3) The man starts from A and walks 6 km east upto B, turns southwards and moves 5 km upto C. At C, he turns to the east and walks 6 km upto D. He then turns northwards and walks 10 km upto E. Now draw BO and AE.
Clearly, BO = CD = 6 km.
AO = (AB + BO) = (6 + 6) km 12 km.
OE = (DE = OD) = (DE – BC)
= (10 – 5) km = 5 km.
∴ Man’s distance from the starting point A
= AE = 13 km
Ex. 3 Kirath walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 6 km towards South. Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?
(1) 5 km West
(2) 7 km West
(3) 7 km Eest
(4) 5 km North-Eest
Sol. (4) Clearly, Kirath moves from A 10 km northwards upto B, then moves 6 km southwards upto C, turns towards East and walks 3 km upto D.
Then, AC = (AB – BC) = (10 – 6) = 4 km;
CD = 3 km.
So, Kunal’s distance from starting point A
= AD =
= 5 km.
Also, D is to the North-east of A.
Hence, the answer is (4).
Ex. 4 Akash left for his office in his car. He drove 15 km towards north and then 10 km towards west. He then turned to the south and covered 5 km. Further, he turned to the east and moved 8 km. Finally, he turned right and drove 10 km. How far and in which direction is he from his starting point?
(1) 2 km West
(2) 5 km East
(3) 3 km North
(4) 6 km South
Sol. (1) Clearly, Akash drove 15 km from A to B northwards and then 10 km from B to C towards west. He then moves 5 km southwards from C to D and 8 km eastwards upto E. Finally, he turned right and moved 10 km upto F.
∴ A and F lie in the same straight line and F lies to the west of A.
So, Akash’s distance from the starting point
A = AF = (BC – DE)
= (10 – 8) km = 2 km.
Hence, the answer is (1)
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