Reasoning Quiz

February 12, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and SO Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

1.Statements : a. All T are S.
b. All S are H.
c. All H are V.

Conclusions: I. Some V are T.
II. Some V are S.
III. Some H  are S.

1) All follow
2) Only II  follows
3) only I  follows
4) only I & II follows
5) None follows

2.Statements : a. Some S are P
b. All H are T
c. No P is a T

Conclusions: I. Some S are T
II. All T are H.
III. No P is a H

1) Only I follows
2) Only II  follows
3) only III  follows
4) None follows
5) None of these

3.Statements : a. some T are P..
b. Some P are R.
c. All R are E.

Conclusions: I. Some R are T.
II. Some E are T.
III. All E are R.

1) None follows
2) Only I follows
3) only II follows
4) only III follows
5) All follow

4.Statements: a. Some P are G.
b. Some G are C.
c. Some C are M.

Conclusions: I. Some M are P.
II. Some C are P.
III. No P is a M.

1) Only either I or III follows
2) Only either I or II  follows
3) only II follows
4) only III follows
5) None of these

5.Statements : a. All B are G.
b. All D are B.
c. Some C are B.

Conclusions: I. Some G are C.
II. All D are G.
III. Some B are D.

1) None follows
2) Only I & II  follow
3) only II & III  follow
4) only I & III follows
5) All follow

Direction (Q.6-11): Study the information given below answer the given questions.

Eight friends A, B C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle, but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing outside and four of them are facing the centre.
1.E faces outside. Both the immediate neighbours of E face the centre. H sits second to the right of E. B sits third to the left of E.
2.D faces the centre. Both the immediate neighbours of D face outside.
3.G sits second to the left of A. B sits third to the right of H.
4.F is an immediate neighbour of D. C is an immediate neighbour of G. ~
5.D is not an immediate neighbour of B.

6.Who amongst the following sits on the immediate right of H?
5) None of these

7.Who amongst the following sits third to the right of A?
I) D.
3) F
5) None of these

8.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way, based on the information given above and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

9.If all the people are made to sit in an alphabetical order, in clockwise direction, starting from A, the position of  whom amongst the following remains the same (excluding A)?
5) None of these

10.How many people are seated between A and C (counting clockwise from A)?
I) Two
2) Four
3) None
4) One
5) Three

11.Who amongst the following sits exactly between F and C (and is also their neighbour)?
1) E
2) B  
3) G
4) A
5) None of these


Reasoning Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 12, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and SO Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solv...

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