Reasoning Quiz for LIC and Railway4.55Yateendra sahuFebruary 22, 2016
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Reasoning Quiz- Puzzle
Directions (Q.No. 1- 5) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight colleagues A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Each on…Read More
Current Affairs Quiz of 9-10 January 2016 Dear Readers, Current Affairs quiz and GK questions based of National and International Events of 7-8 January 2016 Based on The Hindu. Read and Remember Current Affairs quiz and GK questions for upcoming LIC, Syndicate PO and other competitive exams.…Read More
RIVER & THEIR PLACES OF ORIGIN for SSC Dear Readers, we are presenting list of important rivers and their places of origin for SSC 2016 and Railway Recruitment
GANGA : Gangotri (Uttarakhand)
INDUS : Mansarovar (Tibet)
NARMADA : Maikal Hills,Amarkantak (MP)
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FCI Category- III - 2014 - 2015 (NORTH EAST ZONE) Final Result Out Dear Readers, Food Corporation of India (FCI) has released final results of NORTH EAST ZONE for Direct Recruitment of JUNIOR ENGINEER (JE) (CIVIL ENGINEERING / ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING), ASSISTANT GRADE-II (AG II) (HINDI), TYPI…Read More
Money is a thing that is usually accepted as payment for goods and services as well as for the repayment of debts.
Types of Money
Commodity Money -
Commodity money value is derived from the commodity out of which it is made. The commodity itself r…Read More
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