English Quiz for RRB and SSC

February 1, 2016    

Directions (Q. 1-5): In these questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (4). (Ignore errors of Punctuation, if any.)

1.You must either (1)/ be regular with your studies (2)/ and study for longer period before the examination. (3)/ No error. (4)

2.The new taxation rates (1)/ announced by the government (2)/ are bound to effect the export sector. No error (4)

3.There days, job opportunities are not as better (1)/ as thus used to be (2)/ in the early 70’s. (3)/ No error (4)

4.When viewed with his point of view, the (1)/ entire episode assumes (2)/ a different colour altogether. (3)/ No error (4)

5.On many occasions (1)/ we did helped the poor (2)/ people by way of giving food them food and clothes to put on. (3) No error (4)

Directions (Q. 6-10): In these questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word given in bold.

(1) Depressing
(2) Disgusting
(3) Arrogant
(4) Filthy

(1) Case
(2) coupon
(3) Contract
(4) Settlement

(1) Indifference
(2) Sympathy
(3) Respect
(4) Flattery

(2) Destroy
(3) Delay
(4) Dismiss

(1) Ambitious
(2) Determined
(3) Talkative
(4) Fearless

Answers will be provided soon...
English Quiz for RRB and SSC 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 1, 2016 Directions (Q. 1-5): In these questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in o...

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