English Quiz- Comprehension

February 27, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions and share your attempt.

English Questions- phrase replacement

In English section  Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the Blanks , rearrangement, spotting errors play important role in  exam.
Read- Rules for Spotting Errors

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Nature is like business. Business sense dictates that we guard our capital and live from the interest. Nature's capital is the enormous diversity of living things. Without it, we cannot feed ourselves, cure ourselves of illness or provide industry with the raw materials of wealth creation. Professor Edward Wilson, of Harvard University says, "The folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us is the ongoing loss of genetic and species diversity. This will take millions of years to correct."

Only 150 plant species have ever been widely cultivated. Yet over 75,000 edible plants are known in the wild. In a hungry world, with a population growing by 90 million each year, so much wasted potential is tragic. Medicines from the wild are worth around 40 billion dollars a year. Over 5000 species are known to yield chemical with cancer fighting potential Scientists currently estimate that the total number of species in the world is between 10-30 million with only around 1.4 million identified.

The web of life is torn when mankind exploits natural resources in short-sighted ways. The trade in tropical hardwoods can destroy whole forests to extract just a few commercially attractive specimens. Bad agricultural practice triggers 24 billion tonnes of top soil erosion a year losing the equivalent of 9 million tonnes of grain output. Cutting this kind of unsuitable exploitation and instituting "sustainable utilisation" will help turn the environmental crisis around.

Q1. Why does the author compare 'nature' to business?
(a) Because of the capital depletion in nature and business
(b) Because of the similarity with which one should use both
(c) Because of the same interest level yield
(d) Because of the diversity of the various capital inputs
(e) None of These

Q2. "The folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us." What is the business equivalent of the folly the author is referring to?
(a) Reducing the profit margin
(b) Not pumping some money out of profits into the business.
(c) Eroding the capital lease of the business
(d) Putting interest on capital buck into the business
(e) None of These

Q3. Which of the following statements is false in context of the given passage?
(a) The diversity of plant life is essential for human existence.
(b) Scientists know the usefulness of most plant species.
(c) Chemicals for cancer treatment are available from plants.
(d) There are around ten times the plant species undiscovered as compared to the discovered ones.
(e) None of These

Q4. Which of the following correctly reflects the opinion of the author to take care of hunger in the world?
(a) Increase the number of edible plants being cultivates.
(b) Increase cultivation of the 150 species presently under cultivation.
(c) Increase the cultivation of medical plants.
(d) Increase the potential of the uncultivated edible plants
(e) None of These

Q5. Which of the following is mentioned as the immediate cause for the destruction of plant species?
(a) Soil Erosion 
(b) Destruction of habitat
(c) Cultivation
(d) Agricultural practices
(e) None of These

Directions (6-8): Choose the word which is nearly same in meaning to the given word as used in the passage.

(a) Consumed   
(b) Squandered      
(c) Unutilised              
(d) Unprofitable          
(e) None of These

(a) Starts              
(b) Makes     
(c) Results
(d) Causes           
(e) None of These

(a) Cost                                
(b) Purchase      
(c) Deserving    
(d) Sell                  
(e) None of These

Directions (9-10): Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word as used in the passage.

(a) Uniting           
(b) Increasing    
(c) Joining           
(d) Combining   
(e) None of These

(a) Demolish      
(b) Relieve          
(c) Consume     
(d) Release         
(e) None of These


English Quiz- Comprehension 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 27, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Qu...

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