Target SSC CGL 2016- History Quiz Set-8

January 15, 2016    

Dear SSC Aspirants, practice General awareness questions for upcoming CGL 2016 and Railway recruitment board exam of 18000 vacancies. We will provide you various types of Quizzes for CGL 2016.

Practice General awareness and Current Affairs questions for CGL 2016 and Railway Board Recruitment.

1. In which state was the Nalanda University located in India?
1. Bengal
2. Bihar
3. Orissa
4. Utter Pradesh

2. The Indian National Army (INA) came into existence in 1943 in________?
1. Japan
4. Malaya

3. Who was the Prime minister of England when India got independent?
1. Attlee
2. Churchill
3. Thatcher
4. Wilson

4. The subject matter of Ajanta paintings pertain to..
1. Jainism
2. Buddhism
3. Vaishnavism
4. Shaivism

5. Which rulers built the Ellora Temples ?
1. Chalukya
2. Sunga
3. Rashtrakuta
4. Pallava

6. In which century did the famous Chines pilgrim Fa-Hien visit India?
1.4th century
2. 5th century
3. 6th century
4. 7th century

7. The first ruler of Pala dynasty was ________
1. Gopala
2. Dharmapala
3. Bhaskaravarman
4. None of these

8. Ashoka conquered Kalinga in the year _______
1. 231 AD
2. 127 AD
3. 261 BC
4. 327 BC

9. Chand Bibi was the ruler of _______
1. Satara
2. Bijapur
3. Golconda
4. Ahmednagar

10. Who discovered Mohenjodaro?
1. Dayaram Sahani
2. B.P.Vats
3. R.D.Benerjee
4. M.N.Marshal



Target SSC CGL 2016- History Quiz Set-8 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 15, 2016 Dear SSC Aspirants, practice General awareness questions for upcoming CGL 2016 and Railway recruitment board exam of 18000 vacancies. We wil...

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