Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway Exams

January 27, 2016    

Directions (Q. 1-5): Find out the odd number/ letters/word/pair of numbers from the given alternatives.
(A) 6/12
(B) 10/18
(C) 9/4
(D) 4/8

(A) Heading
(B) Body 
(C) Closing
(D) Letter

(A) Chair
(B) Rug
(C) Frame
(D) Couch

(A) Elephant 
(B) Cougar
(C) Lion
(D) Leopard

(A) 8-64
(B) 2-16
(C) 5-70
(D) 6-48

6. A series if given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones.

7. A man walks 10 km towards east, then he turns right and walks 2 km, again he turns and walks 5 km and finally he turns left and walks 2 km. How many km and in which direction is he from his original position?
(A) 15 km, wast
(B) 15 km, east
(C) 19 km, south
(D) 17 km, west

8. W is north of A, who is to the west of J. If Q is to the east of J, then W is in which direction of Q?
(A) North 
(B) North-East
(C) South
(D) North-West

9. 5 persons M, B P, A and K have different weights. B is the lightest person. P is heavier than M and K but lighter than A. Who is the heaviest?
(A) M
(B) A
(C) P
(D) K

10. S is 80 metres south-west of F. If G is 80 metres south-east of F, then G is in which direction of S?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North 
(D) South 

Answer Will Be provided Soon...!!!

Reasoning Quiz For SSC and Railway Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 27, 2016 Directions (Q. 1-5): Find out the odd number/ letters/word/pair of numbers from the given alternatives. 1.  (A) 6/12 (B) 10/18 (C) 9/4 ...

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