Reasoning Practice Set-4 for LIC and Bank PO

January 8, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and Syndicate Manipal Po Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

In Reasoning section  Puzzles, syllogism, inequality, machine input, coding and decoding play important role.

eemDirections (Q.1-5) Some statements are given followed by some conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be trueeven if they seem to be at varience from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions if any, follow from the given statements:
1. Statements:
Some airplane are helicopters.
All Helicopters are gliders.
All gliders are kites.
All kites are balloons.
Conclusions :
1. Some helicopters are balloons.
2. All kites are airplanes.
3. All balloons are gliders.
4. All helicopters are kites.

1) Only 4 follow
2) Either 2 or 3 follow
3) Only 3 follow
4) Only 1 follows
5) None of these

2. Statements:
Some Glasses are bottle.
All bottles are pipe.
All pipes are cisterns
Conclusions :
1. Some cisterns are glass.
2. All pipes are bottle.

1) Only 2 follow
2) Only 1 follows
3) None follow
4) Both follow
5) None of these

3. Statements:
All books are papers
Some pens are papers
All pens are rubber
Conclusions :
1. Some rubbers are paper
2. Some books are paper

1) Only 1 follow
2) Only 2 follows
3) None follow
4) Either 1 or 2 follows
5) Both follow

4. Statements:
Some mobiles are phones
Some phones are pager
No pager is wireless
Conclusions :
1. Some wireless are mobile
2. some phones are not wireless

1) Only 1 follows
2) None follows
3) Only 2 follow
4) Both follow
5) None of these

5. Statements:
All clothes are tie
Some ties are belt
Some belts are sock
Conclusions :
1. All belts being tie is a possibility
2. Some socks are not belt

1) Only 2 follow
2) Either 1 or 2 follow
3) None follows
4) Only 1 follows
5) None of these

Directions(Q.6-10): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.

‘A @ B’ means ‘A Is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’

Give answer 1) : If only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer 2) : If only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer 3) : If either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer 4) : If neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer 5) : If both conclusions 1 and 2 are true

6. Statements : T @ V, V # M, M % F
Conclusions :
1) T # M
2) T @ F

7. Statements : L $ N, N * F, R % L
Conclusions :
1) F # R
2) R $ N

8. Statements : H # I, I @ J, J $ P
Conclusions :
1) H # J
2) H # P

9. Statements : L * D, D # K, K $ J
Conclusions :
1) L # K
2) L $ K

10. Statements : Q $ W, W % E, E @ K
Conclusions :
1) Q $ K
2) W @ K

Answers :
1.  (5)
2.  (2)
3.  (5)
4.  (3)
5.  (4)
6.  (1)
7.  (5)
8.  (1)
9.  (3)
10. (2)

Reasoning Practice Set-4 for LIC and Bank PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 8, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and Syndicate Manipal Po Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share ...

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