1. The ratio of age of A and B is x:y. If A’s age is increased by 3 years and B’s age is increased 2 years then new ratio of their ages becomes 24:25.Given that the sum of their actual ages is 93 years. Find the actual ratio of their ages.
(a) 21 : 22
(b) 42 : 45
(c) 45 : 48
(d) can’t be determined
2. a : b = 4 : 9 if 4 is added to both of the numbers then the new ratio becomes 21 : 46. What is the difference between a and b?
2. a : b = 4 : 9 if 4 is added to both of the numbers then the new ratio becomes 21 : 46. What is the difference between a and b?
(a) 80
(b) 100
(c) 125
(d) 130
3. 6 pumps of kirlosker can fill a tank in 7 days and 2 similar pumps of USHA can fill the same tank in 18 days. What is the ratio of the efficiency of a Kirlosker pump and a USHA pump?
(a) 6 : 7
(b) 7 : 6
(c) 7 : 54
(d) can’t be determined
4. 16 person can reap 1/5th field in 6 days. How many person (with same efficiency) are required to reap rest of the field in 8 days?
(a) 27
(b) 54
(c) 48
(d) 64
5. Pertrol is 7 times heavy than Kerosene and Castrol mobil is 18 times as heavy as Kerosene. What should be the ratio of petrol and mobil in the new mixture to get the mixture which must be 11 times as heavy as kerosene?
(a) 3 : 4
(b) 7 : 4
(c) 9 : 19
(d) 9 : 10
6. A girl buys 2 pigeons for Rs. 182. She sells one at a loss of 5% and another at a profit if 8%. But she neither gains nor loses on the whole. Find the price of pigeon which has sold at a profit:
(a) Rs. 112
(b) Rs. 85
(c) Rs. 70
(d) can’t be determined
7. The ratio of price of Cello and Parker pens in 2000 were in the ratio of 3 : 5. In 2005 the price of Cello pen trebles itself and the price of Parker pen is increased by Rs. 100, then the new ratio of prices of the same pens becomes 4 :5. What was the original price of the Parker pen in 2000?
(a) Rs. 60
(b) Rs. 80
(c) Rs. 100
(d) Rs. 120
8. A goldsmith has 361 rings of gold. He sells some of them at a loss of 4% and rest at a profit of 15% marking overall profit of 8%. Find the no. of rings sold at a profit of 15%:
(a) 171
(b) 133
(c) 218
(d) 228
9. Michel travelled from New York to New Jersey covering total distance of 250 miles in 8 hr. partly by car at 30 miles/hr. and rest by train at 35 miles/hr. The distance travelled by car is:
(a) 150 miles
(b) 80 miles
(c) 220 miles
(d) 180 miles
10. A rabit takes 22 leaps for every 17 leaps of cat and 22 leaps of a rabit are equal to 17 leaps of the cat. What is the ratio of the speeds of rabit and cat?
(a) 1 : 1
(b) 484 : 289
(c) 17 : 22
(d) none of these
Answers will be updated soon.....!!!!
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