One Liners of Banking Awareness Part-I

January 30, 2016    

o    RBI is the Central bank of India
o    RBI was setup on the recommendations of Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance also known as the Hilton- Young Commission.
o    RBI has 4 regional offices at Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai and Delhi.

o    The head office of RBI is located at Mumbai.
o    Currency notes other than one rupee notes are issued by RBI.
o    Scheduled commercial banks are included in the second schedule to the RBI act 1934.
o    Schedule commercial banks are- SBI and its associates, Nationalized banks, private sector banks, regional rural banks, urban cooperative banks, state cooperative banks.
o    14 banks were nationalized on 19 july 1969.
o    Regional rural banks were established on 2.10.1975
o    All commercial banks including branches of foreign banks functioning in India, local area banks and regional rural banks are insured by the DICGC(Deposit Insurance and Credit Gurantee Corporation of India Limited).
o    Each depositor in a bank is insured upto a maximum of Rs 1 lakh for both principal and interest amount.
o    LIC (Life insurance corporation) of India was established in 1956 as wholly owned corporation of the Government of India.
o    Export and Import Bank of India (EXIM) was established in 1982.
o    National Bank of agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established in 1982.
o    Interest payable on savings bank account is not regulated by RBI.
o    With effect from April 2010 payment of interest on savings bank accounts by scheduled commercial banks would be calculated on a daily product basis.
o    Fixed deposits and recurring deposits are repayable after an agreed period.
o    When a bank returns a cheque unpaid , it is called as dishonor of the cheque.
o    Mortgage is a security on immovable property for a deposit received by a bank.
o    Accounts in which shares of various companies are traded in electronic form is called Demat account.
o    Distribution of insurance products and insurance policies by the banks as corporate agencies is known as bankassurance.
o    The rate of inflation increases when the purchasing power of money decreases.
o    Treasury bills, commercial paper, certificate of deposit, shares and bonds are called as money market instruments.
o    Repurchase agreement is not money market instrument.
o    The loans of very small amount given to low income group is called as Mirco credit.
o    ALM stands for Asset Liability management
o    The Banking ombudsman resolves the complaints of the customers in regard to services provided by the banks.
o    Money laundering means the process of conversion of money obtained illegally to appear to have originated from legitimate sources
o    A cheque which has completed the stipuled validy of the cheque is called as Stale Cheque.
o    Interest is not paid in current accounts.
o    CAMEL denotes capital adequacy, asset quality, management, efficiency and liquidity.
o    When the ATM machine installed in the bank is out of order, it is called as operational risk.
o    When the loans are not repaid in time, it is called as credit risk.
o    The first Indian bank to open a branch outside India in London in 1946 is bank of India.
o    Soiled note means a note which has become dirty due to usage and also includes a two piece note pasted together wherein both the pieces presented belong to the same note and form the entire note.
o    Mutilated banknote is a banknote of which a portion is missing or which is composed of more than two pieces.
o    Imperfect banknote means any banknote which is wholly or partially, obliterated, shrunk , washed, altered but doesnot include a multilated banknote

One Liners of Banking Awareness Part-I 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 30, 2016 o    RBI is the Central bank of India o    RBI was setup on the recommendations of Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance also kno...

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