Important Sports Quiz For SSC and Railway Exam

January 18, 2016    

1. The game of hockey originated in ?
A) France 
B) Canada 
C) England 
D) Germany
2. The head quarters of International Olympic Committee is at ?
A. Los Angles 
B. New York 
C. Moscow 
D. Lausanne

3. In which year did Milkha Singh win the Asiad Gold in 400m race?
A 1982 Delhi
B 1958 Cardiff 
C 1958 Tokyo 
D 1960 Rome

4. What is the name of the unique form of Hockey prevalent in the state of Manipur?
A) Khong Kangjei 
B) Hiyang Tanaba 
C) Yubi Lakpi
D) Yubi-chakpi

5. The 'Dronacharya Award' is given to...?
B) Coaches 
C) Umpires
D Sports Editors 

6. How many gold medals have been won by India in the Olympics so far?
A) 7
B) 8
C) 9 
D) 10

7. The Asian Games were held in Delhi for the first time in...?
A) 1951
B) 1963
C) 1971
D) 1982 

8. In which Indian state did the game of Polo originate?
A) Meghalaya
B) Rajasthan
C) Manipur 
D) West Bengal

9. India reached the final of the Davis Cup for the first time in...?
A) 1964
B) 1966 
C) 1970
D) 1974

10. The Common Wealth Games held in Delhi, 2010 is the ...?
A) 17th Edition
B) 18th Edition
C) 19th Edition 
D) 20th Edition

Answers will be provided soon...!!!

Important Sports Quiz For SSC and Railway Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 18, 2016 1. The game of hockey originated in ? A) France  B) Canada  C) England  D) Germany 2. The head quarters of International Olympic Commi...

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