Important Commission's Of Indian Part-1

January 30, 2016    

Dear reader's
Here we present you part 1 one of important commission's of India with their purposes to set up.These commission's  are ask in previous examinations

1. Central Information Commission
Receiving and inquiring into complaints from aggrieved persons.

2. Central Vigilance Commission

Probing offences by Central Government officers, Officers of societies, corporation and local authority under the Central Government.

3. Commission for Centre-State Relations
Review of working of existing arrangements between Union and States i.e. power, functions, and responsibilities in all spheres.

 4. Commission of Enquiry (Tehelka Commission)
To enquire into the definite matter of public importance with the power of civil court.

5. Liberhan Commission
To enquire into demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya.

6. Commission on Criminal Justice
Reformation of criminal justice system, compensation to victims, and effective investment etc.

7. Mandal CommissionHeaded by Bindheshwari Prasad Mandal to consider the question of seat reservations and quotas for people to redress caste discrimination, and used eleven social, economic, and educational indicators to determine “backwardness.”

8. Competition Commission of India

To curb monopolies, to ensure fair competition in India by prohibiting adverse trade practices and to pass order for granting interim relief and to impose penalties in case of defaults.

9. Delimitation Commission
Readjustment of the allocation of seats in Lok Sabha to several States and total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of each State.

10. Election Commission
Preparation of the electoral rolls, direction, superintendence, and control of elections to Parliament and State Legislatures, recognition of political parties and allotment of symbols and also conducting elections to offices of Presidents and Vice-Presidents of India.

11. Finance Commission
Distribution of financial resources between Union and States, proceeds from taxes, principles governing grants-in-aid to revenue of States out of consolidated fund of India, etc.
12. Justice Nanavati Commission
To inquire into 1984 Riot case (Indira Gandhi Assassination Riot).

13. Kalelkar Commission
Adhering to Article 340, the First Backward Classes Commission was set up by a presidential order on January 29, 1953

14. Khosla Commission
A one-man commission headed by Justice GD Khosla established July 1970 to re-investigate the circumstances surrounding the supposed death of Subhas Chandra Bose. The commission reached the same conclusions as Shah Nawaz Committee.

15. Law Commission
To suggest for implementation and development in constitutional and legal matters including the human way of death penalty

Important Commission's Of Indian Part-1 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 30, 2016 Dear reader's Here we present you part 1 one of important commission's of India with their purposes to set up.These commission...

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