IBPS Clerk-V Mains Exam Analysis Evening Shift (03.01.2016)

January 3, 2016    

Dear Readers, we are providing you some of the Ga and Computer Questions asked in 03rd January 2016  IBPS CLERK Mains  Exam Evening Shift.

1. Pachmarhi is located in - Madhya Pradesh 
2. Rupiah is currency of which country - Indonesia
3. In Dena Gramin Bank, the highest stack is owned by the- Indian Government 
4. NBFC comes under which act- Companies Act, 1956
5. Post office is which type of bank - Payment Bank 
6. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana reduces deadline of the project from 2022 to - 2019
7. In BCBSI, C stands for - Codes
8. Visa headquarters - Foster City, California, United States
9. In India, ATM for blind person started by which bank - Union Bank
10. Gondwana cup - Tennis 
11. Black buck is found in - Gujarat
12. Vivekananda Statue - Malaysia
13. Santiago is capital of which country - Chile

IBPS Clerk-V Mains Exam Analysis Evening Shift (03.01.2016) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 3, 2016 Dear Readers, we are providing you some of the Ga and  Computer Questions  asked in 03rd January 2016  IBPS  CLERK Mains  Exam  Evening Shif...

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