Gandhiji’s life lessons

January 31, 2016    

First, do away with platitudes. Language, communication and discussion have become a labyrinth of context, nuances and sophistication. A society based on truth and non-violence affirms a belief in God.

Second, Gandhiji gave importance to right values. He was a plain-speaking person without artifice; never mincing his words. Sarvodaya, or universal uplift, trusteeship and principled leadership formed his vision for taking India forward. He was not interested in his statues or parks named after him.

Gandhiji hoped that the ideals of his vision would be like the tiny spring that gushes forth from the Gangotri glacier and that flows down as the mighty Ganga, nurturing, serving and sharing in the lives of the people. He believed in a decent standard of life, unlike the concept of standard of living that is a material quotient.

Standard of life suggests a flowering of spiritual, cultural and material values so that one is not afflicted by the seven deadly sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce (business) without morality (ethics), science without humanity, religion without sacrifice, and politics without principle.

Third, Gandhiji believed everyone ought to share and care. Trusteeship, serving people, sacrificing for them and, thus, contributing to the standard of life was advocated by Gandhiji, who would say, “A person cannot do right in one department whilst attempting to do wrong in another department. Life is one indivisible whole.”


Gandhiji’s life lessons 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 31, 2016 First, do away with platitudes. Language, communication and discussion have become a labyrinth of context, nuances and sophistication. A soc...

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