1) To leave someone in the lurch
A) To come to compromise with someone
B) Constant source of annoyance
C) To put someone at ease
D) To desert someone in his difficulties
2) To cast pearls before a swine
A) To spend recklessly
B) To spend a lot of money on the upkeep of domestic hogs
C) To waste money over trifles
D) To offer to a person a thing which he cannot appreciate
3) To keep the ball rolling
A) To earn more and more
B) To work constantly
C) To maintain the progress of a project, plan, etc
D) To make the best use of
4) Hard-pressed
A) Bewildered
B) Insulted
C) Hard discipline
D) In difficulties
5) A man of straw
A) A man of little substance
B) A very active person
C) A worthy fellow
D) An unnatural person
6) To take with a grain of salt
A) To take with some reservation
B) To take with total disbelief
C) To take whole heartedly
D) To take seriously
7) To wrangle over an ass's shadow
A) To act in a foolish way
B) To quarrel over trifles
C) To waste time on petty things
D) To do something funny
8) To keep the wolf away from the door
A) To keep away from extreme poverty
B) To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person
C) To keep alive
D) To hold the difficulties and dangers in check
9) To fly off the handle
A) To take off
B) To be indifferent
C) To dislocate
D) To become suddenly enraged
10) Hobson's choice
A) Feeling of insecurity
B) Accept or leave the offer
C) Feeling of strength
D) Excellent choice
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