Banking Awareness Questions for SIDBI

January 14, 2016    

Dear Readers, Banking Awareness Questions play important role in General Awareness section. Around 50-60% of questions  from Banking Awareness which includes recent Banking updates also.

Try to Answer Banking Awareness questions given in this post. We will provide you more questions in next post.

1. The regional Rural Banks are sponsored by
1) Unit Trust of India              
2) Reserve Bank of India
3) Life Insurance Corporation of India    
5) Any Scheduled Commercial bank

2. Basic Objective of SEBI is/are:
1) To promote the interests of investors in securities
2) To promote the development of Securities Market
3) To regulate the securities market
4) To protect the interest of the investors to improve the stock market investments
5) All of the above

3. Banking Ombudsman services are available to:
1) All Scheduled Commercial Banks
2) Regional Rural Banks
3) Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks
4) Only a & c
5) All the above

4. The phenomenon of a continuous decrease in prices of goods and services in the economy is, known as _______?
1) Inflation
2) Deflation
3) Stagflation
4) Market crash
5) None of the Above

5. What is the stipulated share of the priority sector in the net bank credit?
1) 35%
2) 20%
3) 40%
4) 45%
5) None of the above

6. Certificates of Deposits have to be of a minimum value of __________?
1) Rupees 1 lakh
2) Rupees 10 lakh
3) Rupees 25 lakh
4) Rupees 1 crore
5) None of the above

7. Commercial paper may be issued for a period of ____?
1) 90 days
2) 91 to 180 days
3) 7 days to one year
4) All the above
5) None of the above

8. What is Call Money”?
1) Money borrowed and lent for overnight or a day
2) Money borrowed for more than a day but upto 3 days    
3) Money borrowed for more than a day but upto 7 days  
4) Money borrowed for more than a day but upto 14 days
5) None of the above

9. Which of the following types of ATMs eliminates  the need for PIN early and authenticated customer transactions by thumb impressions.
1) while label ATMs
2) Biometric ATMs
3) On-site ATMs
4) Off-site ATMs
5) none of the above

10. For filing and resolving customer complaints the banking Ombusdsman
1) charges a fee of 500/-
2) does not charge any fee
3) charges a fee of 1500/-
4)  charges a fee of 1000/-
5) none of these



Banking Awareness Questions for SIDBI 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 14, 2016 Dear Readers, Banking Awareness Questions play important role in General Awareness section. Around 50-60% of questions  from Banking Awarene...

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