Reasoning Quiz for LIC AAO and Bank Exams

December 21, 2015    

Dear Bank Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of Mixed Questions  upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

In Reasoning section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Puzzles, syllogism, inequality play important role in preliminary exam.

Directions(Q.1-5):Read the following set of information and then answer the following questions.

1) There is a group of six persons living in a four storeyed building. The Persons are Anu, Bani, Chavi, Deep, Enna, Firoj. Each storey of the building has two flats; thus there are eight flats in all, two of them being empty.
2) The heaviest of the group lives onthe top floor while the lightest lives on the ground floor.
3) Chavi is heavier then Bani, Who, in turn is heavier than Firoj.Enna is lighter than deep.
4) Anu is neither the heaviest nor the lightest.
5)  There are only Two people heavier than Chavi; Anu is not one of them.
6) Bani shares the floor with the heaviest while Chavi shares with the lightest.

1.Who among the following is the heaviest of the group?
4.Can't Say
5,None of these

2.Who does Chavi Share the floor with?
4.Can't say
5.None of these

3.On which floor does Anu live?
1.Ground floor
2.1st floor
3.2nd floor
4.Top floor
5.Can't say

4.Enna and Anu lives ________ ?
1.on same floor
2.on two continuous floor
3.with one floor between their floors
4.with two floor between their floors
5.Can't say

5.Starting from the heaviest of the group ,What is rank of Anu in order of weight?
4.4th or 5th
5.5th or 6th

Directions (6 - 10) - : Read the information carefully and answer the following questions:

A + B means A is the father of B.
A × B means A is the sister of B
A $ B means A is the wife of B.
A % B means A is the mother of B.
A ÷ B means A is the son of B.

6.What should come in place of question mark to establish that J is brother of T in the expression?
J ÷ P % H ? T % L
(1) ×                    
(2) ÷                    
(3) $
(4) Either ÷ or ×                              
(5) Either + or ÷

7.Which of the given expressions indicates that M is daughter of D?
(1) L % R $ D + T × M    
(2) L + R $ D + M × T
(3) L % R % D + T ÷ M  
(4) D + L $ R + M × T
(5) L $ D ÷ R % M ÷ T

8. Which of the following options is true if the expression I + T % J × L ÷ K is definitely true?
(1) L is daughter of T      
(2) K is son-in-law of I
(3) I is grandmother of L
(4) T is father of J
(5) J is brother of L

9.Which of the following expressions is true if Y is son of X is definitely false?
(1) W % L × T × Y ÷ X      
(2) W + L × T × Y ÷ X
(3) X + L × T × Y ÷ W                      
(4) W $ X + L + Y + T
(5) W % X + T × Y ÷ L

10.What should come in place of question mark to establish that T is sister-in-law of Q in the expression.
R % T × P ? Q + V
(1) ÷                    
(2) %                  
(3) ×
(4) $                    
(5) Either $ or ×

Directions (11 - 15): Study the following information and answer the question given.

In a certain code language, ‘more money in market’ is written as ‘zo pi ab to’, ‘share in market loss’ is written as ‘vo to je pi’, ‘making more loss now’ is written as ‘su je zo ka’, ‘now the market gains’ is written as ‘do pi yo su’.

11.Which of the following does ‘vo’ stand for?
(1) loss                
(2) in                    
(3) share
(4) market                          
(5) either in or loss

12.What is the code for ‘making’?
(1) ka                  
(2) su                  
(3) je
(4) zo                  
(4) cannot be determined

13.Which of the following is the code for ‘gains’?
(1) su                  
(2) pi                    
(3) yo
(4) do                  
(5) either yo or do

14.Which of the following can be the code for ‘the more you share’?
(1) do yo zo vo  
(2) vo wiz zo do                
(3) vo zo wi bu
(4) yo jo vo wi  
(5) None of These

15.‘to ka pi ab’ is a code for which of the following?
(1) share more in market
(2) now share more gains
(3) the gains in market
(4) the gain in loss
(5) None of These

D>E>C>A>B>F Or  D>E>C>B>A>F

D                    B
E/A               Empty
E/A               Empty
C                   F
6.       (1)
7.       (2)
8.       (2)
9.       (4)
10.   (4)
in – to
market – pi
loss – je
share – vo
more – zo
money – ab
now – su
making – ka
the/gains – do/yo
11.    (3)
12.    (1)
13.    (5)
14.    (2)

15.   (5)

Reasoning Quiz for LIC AAO and Bank Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 21, 2015 Dear Bank Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of Mixed Questions  upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these questions  and share t...

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