Reasoning Quiz for IBPS Clerk

December 28, 2015    

Dear IBPS Clerk 2015  Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of Mixed Questions  upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

In Reasoning section for IBPS Clerk 2015 - Puzzles, syllogism, inequality play important role in preliminary exam.

Directions(1-5): In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.

1..) Statements C ≥ O = M < U ≤ N < D
Conclusions I. O < D
II. C > N
1) Both conclusions I and II are true
2) Only conclusion I is true
3) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
4) Either conclusion I or II is true

5) Only conclusions II is true

2.) Statements P > L = A ≥ C = E
Conclusions I. E ≤ L
II. P> C
1) Either conclusion I or II is true
2) Only conclusion II is true
3) Both conclusions I and II are true
4) Only conclusion I is true
5) Neither conclusion I nor II is true

3.) Statements S > T ≤ A = I; L ≥ A
Conclusions I. L ≥ T
II. A > S
1) Only conclusion II is true
2) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
3) Only conclusion I is true
4) Either conclusion I or II is true
5) Both conclusions I and II are true

4) Statements S > T ≤ A = I; L ≥ A
Conclusion I. S > L
II. I ≤ L
1) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
2) Only conclusion I is true
3) Both conclusions I and II are true
4) Either conclusion I or II is true
5) Only conclusion II is true

5.) Statements N ≤ U < M = B ≥ E> R
Conclusions I. N ≤ R
II. E ≤ U
1) Either conclusion I or II is true
2) Both conclusions I and II are true
3) Only conclusion II is true
4) Only conclusion I is true
5) Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Directions(6-10): Study the information and answer the given question.
In a certain code language 'prep ate for your exams' is written as, 'xn nt oz wl'
'hard work for prepare' is written as, 'nt ml oz tk'
'prepare your studies well' is written as, 'sd jk nt xn'
'work well best results' is written as, 'ds lu jk ml'

6.) What is the code for 'best' in the given code language?
1) lu
2) ml
3) sd
4) ds
5) Either ds or lu

7.) In the given code language 'nt' is the code of which word?
1) prepare
2) your
3) hard
4) work
5) exam

8.) What may be the code for 'exams are hard' in the given code language?
1) wl ml tk
2) zr tk ko
3) wl xn tk
4) tk zr wl
5) ko wl xn

9.) What is the code for 'studies for' in the given code language?
1) ds sd
2)  jk sd
3) jk xn
4) oz jc
5) oz sd

10.) What is the code for 'well' in the given code language?
1) xn
2) nt
3) wl
4) jk
5) ml

1. 2
2. 3
3. 3
4. 5
5. 5
6. 5
7. 1
8. 4
9. 5
10. 4

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS Clerk 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 28, 2015 Dear IBPS Clerk 2015  Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of Mixed Questions  upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these question...

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