1. If a number is divided by 84 the remainder is 37. What will be the remainder, if it is divided by 21?
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 16
(d) 15
2. The difference between the greatest and the least numbers of eight digits which begin with 8 and end with 6 is
(a) 99999999
(b) 10000000
(c) 80000006
(d) 9999990
3. A number lying between 1000 and 2000 is such that on division by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 leaves remainders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. The number is
(a) 1876
(b) 1679
(c) 1778
(d) 1654
4. If 6 men working 8 h a day earn Rs. 1680 per week, then 9 men working 6 h a day will earn per week
(a) Rs. 1680
(b) Rs. 1920
(c) Rs. 2680
(d) Rs. 1890
5. If 15 oxen or 20 cows can eat the grass of a field in 80 days, then in how many days will 6 oxen and 2 cows eat the same grass?
(a) 40
(b) 60
(c) 100
(d) 160
6. A shopkeeper claims to sell all of his articles at a discount of 10%, but marks his articles by increasing the cost price of each article by 20%. His gain on each article is
(a) 6%
(b) 8%
(c) 10%
(d) 12%
7. Padam purchased 30 kg of rice at rate of Rs. 17.50 per kg and another 30 kg rice at a certain rate. He mixed the two and sold the entire quantity at the rate of Rs. 18.60 per kg and made 20% overall profit. At what price per kg did he purchase the lot of another 30 kg rice?
(a) Rs. 12.50
(b) Rs. 13.50
(c) Rs. 14.50
(d) Rs. 15.50
8. A man bought some oranges at Rs. 10 per dozen and bought the same number of oranges at 8 per dozen. He sold these oranges Rs. 11 per dozen and gained Rs. 120. The total number of oranges bought by him was
(a) 30 dozen
(b) 40 dozen
(c) 50 dozen
(d) 60 dozen
9. In some quantity of ghee, 60% is pure ghee and 40% is vanaspati. If 10 kg of ghee is added, then the strength of vanaspati ghee becomes 20%. The original quantity was
(a) 10 kg
(b) 15 kg
(c) 20 kg
(d) 25 kg
10. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is
(a) 4
(b) 6(1/4)
(c) 20
(d) 25
Note : Answers will be updated soon..............................
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