Practice English Questions Set-7

December 29, 2015    

Dear Bank Aspirant,s practice English questions set Mixed Questions for  IBPS Clerk Exam and other upcoming exams. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions and share your attempt.

English Questions- phrase replacement

In English section  Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the Blanks , rearrangement, spotting errors play important role in  exam

Direction (1- 5):In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. Poetry is the language of the imagination and the _______, It relates to whatever gives _______ pleasure or pain to the human mind.
1) thinking, permanent
2) analysis, temporary
3) passions, immediate
4) circumspection, sporadic
5) visualization, constant.

2. Success in business requires two things: a winning competitive _______ and superb organizational _______.
1) advantage, satisfaction
2) planning, advantage
3) strategy, execution
4) philosophy, motivation
5) marketing, strategy

3. To _______ in today’s rapidly changing environment corporations need to _______ their learning capability.
l) develop, enlarge
2) surpass, align
3) project, assimilate
4) service, mitigate
5) compete, strengthen

4. A _______ reader gets much greater pleasure from reading books than a miser gets in _______ money.
1) powerful, accumulating
2) voracious, hoarding
3) desirous, stocking
4) proverbial, spending
5) profound, lavishing

5. The well-known judge who was earlier _______ to head the delegation has now given his _______.
1) reluctant, consent
2) eager, approved
3) requested, chances
4) forced, unwillingness
5) expected, assurances

Directions (6-10): Read each sentence to find our whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the error,if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.

6. The smooth and easier 1)/ we allow people to navigate 2) / through any device at any place 3) / in the World, the better. 4) / No error 5)

7. Asian culture will, 1)/ sooner or later, 2) / become international norm 3)/ for entertainment industry. 4) / No error 5)

8. What really agonise them 1)/ is the presence of 2) / an unwanted and unscrupulous 3) / member on the panel. 4) / No error 5)

9. The business lobby wanted 1) / he to take over 2)/ as the new Chairman 3)/ of their coveted Board. 4) / No error 5)

10. Nowadays 1) / the accidents of diabetes 2) / among urban children 3) / is on the rise. 4)/ No error 5)


1.  3
2. 5
3. 2
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1; Use comparative smoother
7. 3; Use article the
8. 1; The verb should be singular agonises
9. 2; Replace he with him

10. 2; Substitute incidence for accident

Practice English Questions Set-7 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 29, 2015 Dear Bank Aspirant,s practice English questions set Mixed Questions for  IBPS Clerk Exam and other upcoming exams. Try to solve these Mixed ...

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