Dear Readers, we are providing Online exam paper of LIC Assistant Administrative Officer exam 2015. It will help you in understanding exam pattern.
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Questions Asked in Different sections-
1. Reasoning Ability Test-
1. Puzzles
2. Machine Input
3. Inequality
4. Syllogism
2. Quantitative Aptitude Test
1. Simplification/Approximation
2. Data Interpretation
3. Series
4. Miscellaneous questions (simple and compound interest, profit loss, time and work, speed and distance)
5. Data Sufficiency
3. General Knowledge and Current Affairs -
1. Recent appointments in India and World,
2. Person in news,
3. persons died,
4. Awards and Honours,
5. Sports events,
6. Important books and author,
7. Important Days,
8. Capital and currency,
9. recent committees,
10. Abbreviations
4. Computer Knowledge Test-
1. Parts of Computer- Input -output devices, types of memory
2. Internet
3. Operating System
4. Application softwares especially MS Office- word, excel, powerpoint
5. Abbreviations
6. Questions on recent development in computer field.
5. English Language Test
1. Comprehension
2. Cloze test
3. Fill in the blanks
4. Spotting Errors
5. Rearrangement
Click here to Download LLC AAO 2015 Paper
Questions Asked in Different sections-
1. Reasoning Ability Test-
1. Puzzles
2. Machine Input
3. Inequality
4. Syllogism
2. Quantitative Aptitude Test
1. Simplification/Approximation
2. Data Interpretation
3. Series
4. Miscellaneous questions (simple and compound interest, profit loss, time and work, speed and distance)
5. Data Sufficiency
3. General Knowledge and Current Affairs -
1. Recent appointments in India and World,
2. Person in news,
3. persons died,
4. Awards and Honours,
5. Sports events,
6. Important books and author,
7. Important Days,
8. Capital and currency,
9. recent committees,
10. Abbreviations
4. Computer Knowledge Test-
1. Parts of Computer- Input -output devices, types of memory
2. Internet
3. Operating System
4. Application softwares especially MS Office- word, excel, powerpoint
5. Abbreviations
6. Questions on recent development in computer field.
5. English Language Test
1. Comprehension
2. Cloze test
3. Fill in the blanks
4. Spotting Errors
5. Rearrangement
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