December 15, 2015    

1.The Parliament of India consists of :
(a)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(b)the President, the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(c)Lok Sabha, President and Council of Ministers
(d)Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Council of Ministers and President.

2.Which one of the following duties is not performed by the Prime Minster of India?
(a)presiding over the meetings of the Cabinet
(b)presiding over the joint sitting of the two Houses of Indian Parliament
(c)coordination of the work of various Ministers
(d)preparation of the agenda for the meetings of the Cabinet

3.The Directive Principles of State Policy are contained in :
(a)part I of the Constitution
(b)part III of the Constitution
(c)part IV of the Constitution
(d)none of the above parts

4.The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been described as the friend, philosopher and guide of :
(a)all the Parliamentary Committees
(b)the Public Accounts Committee
(c)the Estimates Committee
(d)the Committee on Public Undertakings

5.The Vice-President of India is elected :
(a)by the people
(b)elected by the members of State Legislative Assemblies
(c)elected by the members of the Rajya Sabha
(d)elected by the members of the two Houses of Parliament at a joint sitting

6.The introduction of 'no-confidence' motion in the Lok Sabha requires the support of at least :
(a)50 members
(b)60 members
(c)70 members
(d)80 members

7.Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a)all the members of the Legislative Council retire simultaneously
(b)one-third members of the Legislative Council retire every two years
(c)one-third members of the Legislative Council retire every year
(d)one-half of the members of the Legislative Council retire every three years

8.Which one of the qualifications for appointment as Judge of the High Court has been wrongly listed?
(a)he must be a citizen of India
(b)he must have been an advocate of a High Court for atleast ten years
(c)he must have been a judicial official in the territory of India for at least ten years
(d)he must have been a judge of Supreme Court for two years

9.Which one of the following States does not possess a bi-cameral Legislature?
(b)Andhra Pradesh
(d)Jammu and Kashmir

10.The Rajya Sabha can delay the enactment of a money bill for a maximum period of :
(a)one month
(b)three months
(c)one year
(d)fourteen days


INDIAN POLITY QUIZ 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 15, 2015 1. The Parliament of India consists of : (a)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (b)the President, the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (c)Lok Sabha, Pr...

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