IBPS Clerk Mains- Quant Quiz

December 17, 2015    

Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice Mixed Questions set of 10 questions  for upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions  and your attempt.

In Quantitative Aptitude section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Data Interpretation, simplification,series, mixed type questions play important role in preliminary exam.

Directions-(Q. 1 - 5) What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?

1.18, 96, 161, 213, 252, ?
(1) 264
(2) 278
(3) 265
(4) 291
(5) None of these

2. 7, 13, 24, 40, 61, ?
(1) 87
(2) 92
(3) 89
(4) 93
(5) None of these

3. 8, 12, 21,37,62,98 ?
(1) 98
(2) 238
(3) 240
(4) 206
(5) None of these

4. 3, 7, 19, 39, 67, ?
(1) 107
(2) 113
(3) 109
(4) 103
(5) None of these

5. 759, 423, 255, 171, 129, ?
(1) 118
(2) 107
(3) 98
(4) 92
(5) None of these

Directions (6-10) :  Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below it.

A survey conducted on 1800 villages shows that 25%  of the total villages have only adequate water supply. 15% of the total number have proper supply of electricity only. 7% of the total number villages have only proper education facilities. 12% of the total number of villages have the telecommunication services only. 16 % of the total number of villages have proper health care services only.  6% of the total number of villages have adequate water as well as supply of electricity. 8% of the total number of villages  have adequate supply of water, electricity as well as health care services.5% of the total number of villages have proper supply of electricity, telecommunication services as well as health care services and 6% of the total number of villages have all the facilities.
6.How many villages in all have adequate water supply.
(a)702                  (b)450                  (c)594                  
(d)810                  (e)none of these
7.How many villages in all have adequate supply of water as well as electricity.
(a)360                  (b)108                  (c)720                  
(d)972                 (e) none of these

8.How many villages in all do not have proper supply of electricity.
(a)720                  (b)850                  (c)920                  
(d)1080               (e) none of these

9.How many villages have only proper education facilities.
(a)108                  (b)126                  (c)234                  
(d)216                 (e) none of these

10.How many villages have all the facilities.
(a)90                     (b)126                  (c)144                  
(d)106                  (e) none of these

1. (2)

2. (1)

3. (5)
8+2^2  = 12
12+3^2 = 21
21 + 4^2 = 37
37 + 5^2 = 62
62 + 6^2 = 98
98 + 7^2 = 147

4. (4)
3 + 4 = 7
7 +12 = 19

5. (5)
759 – 336 = 423
423 – 168 = 255
255 – 84 = 171
171 – 42 = 129
129 – 21 = 108

6.       (D) Number of villages with adequate water supply
= 450 + 108 + 144 + 108 = 810
7.       (A) Number of villages with adequate supply of water and electricity
= 109 + 144 + 108 = 360
8.       (D) Number of villages with proper supply of electricity
= 270 + 108 + 144 + 90 + 108 = 720
Number of villages not having proper electric supply
= 1800 – 720 = 1080
9.       (B) Number of villages with only proper education facilities = 126

10.   (D) Number of villages with all the facilities = 108

IBPS Clerk Mains- Quant Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 17, 2015 Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice Mixed Questions set of 10 questions  for upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these Mixed Questio...

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