IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism-20 questions)

December 3, 2015    

Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of 20 syllogism for upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these syllogism and share time taken to solve these questions.

In Reasoning section for IBPS Clerk 2015- Puzzles, syllogism, inequality play important role in preliminary exam. In next post we will provide inequality practice set.

Directions(1-5): In each question below are given two statement followed by two conclusions  numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give Answer
a)    If only conclusion I follows
b)    If only conclusion II follows
c)    If either conclusion I or II follows
d)    If neither conclusion I nor II follows
e)    If both conclusion I and II follows

1). Statements:       Some Windows are doors
                                No door is a room
                                Some roofs are not rooms
Conclusions:          I. Some roofs are not doors
                               II. At least some windows are not rooms
Directions (2-3):
Statement :            All bottles are glasses
                               Some cups are glasses
                               All caps are bottles

2). Conclusions:    I. All caps being glasses is a possibility.
                               II. All cups beings caps is a possibility

3). Conclusions:    I. Some glasses are cups
                               II. All caps are glasses
Directions (4-5):
Statements:           No letter is a word
                               Some vowels are words
                               No vowels is a consonant.

4). Conclusions:    I. Some vowels are not letters.
                              II. No consonants is a letter

5). Conclusions:    I. All consonants are vowels.
                              II. At least some words are not consonants.

Directions: (6-10): In each question below are given three statements followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclutions and then decide which of then given conclusions definitely do(es) not logically follow from the given statement, disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer

a)    If only conclusion I does not follows
b)    If only conclusion II does not follow
c)    If only conclusion III does not follow
d)    If both conclusions I and II do not follow
e)    None of these

6). Statements:       Some sets are papers.
                                 No papers is a book
All copies are books
Conclusions:          I. Some copies are not papers.
                               II. All books are not copies
                              III. Some sets are not books.

7). Statements:       All threads are ropes.
                                Some ropes are leashes
                                No leash is a rill
Conclusion:            I. Some ropes are not rills.
                               II. No rope is a thread
                               III. Some rills are not leashes.

8). Statements:      No Cover is a box
                               All tables are boxes.
                               No tables is a chair
Conclusions:         I. At least some covers are tables.
                              II. At least some boxes are not tables
                              III. Some boxes are not chairs.

9). Statements:     Some dollars are dinars
                              No dinar is a rupee
                              All coins are rupees
Conclusions:        I. All dollars being dinars is a possibility
                             II. All rupees being coins is a possibility
                             III. All coins are dinars.

10). Statements:   No fox is a cat
                              No cat is a dog
                              All monkeys are foxes
Conclusions:        I. No Monkey is a fox
                             II. all Dogs are definitely not cats
                             III. Some foxes are not dogs.

Direction (Q.11-15): In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Given answer
a)    if only conclusion I follows.
b)    if only conclusion II follows.
c)    if either conclusion I or II follows.
d)    if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e)    if both conclusions I and II follow.

11). Statements:       Some pens are caps.
All caps are pencils.
Conclusions:           I. All pencils being pens is a possibility.
                               II. At least some pencils are caps.

12). Statements:     No bag is a glass.
Some glasses are not cups.
Conclusions:           I. At least some cups are bags.
II. No glass is a bag.

13). Statements:     Some flowers are red.
No red is a tree.  
Conclusions:            I. Some flowers are not trees.
II. Some trees are not red.

14). Statements:     All boxes are copies.
No copy is a book.
Conclusions:            I. No box is a book.
II. At least some copies are boxes.

15). Statements:       No cloth is a cover.
No cover is a wrap.
Conclusions:            I. Some cloth is a cover.
II. No wrap is a cloth.

Directions(16-20): In Each question below are given two or more statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give Answer
a)    If only conclusion I follows
b)    If only conclusion II follows
c)    If either conclusion I or II follows
d)    If neither conclusion I nor II follows
e)    If both conclusion I and II follows

16). Statement:  Some bowls are not jars.
   All spoons are jars
Conclusions:             I. Some spoons are bowls
                                  II. Some jars are spoons

17). Statement: All desserts are sweets
   No sweet is fruit
Conclusion:                 I. No dessert is fruits
                                    II. Some fruits are not sweets

18). Statement: No circle is a wall
   All walls are homes
Conclusions:        I. Some homes are circles
                              II. No homes is a circle

19). Statement:  No word is a letter
    Some letters are vowels
Conclusions:        I. At least some words are vowels
                              II. All vowels being letters is a possibility

20). Statements:   Some informations are hopes
          Some hopes are sorrows
Conclusions:        I. Some informations are sorrows
                              II. All hopes being information is a possibility.


1). e) 2). e) 3). e) 4). a) 5).b) 6). e) 7).b) 8). a) 9).c) 10).a) 11).e) 12).b) 13).e) 14).e) 15).d) 16). b) 17). e) 18). c) 19). b) 20). b)

1). No door is a room (E) à conversion à No room is door (E). Now, Some roofs are rooms (I) + No room is a door (E) = I + E = O = Some roofs are not doors.
Hence conclusion I follow
Again, Some windows are doors, (I) + No door is a rooms (E) = I + E = O = Some windows are not rooms.
Hence Conclusion II follows

2). There is no negative statements. Thus the positive possibilities can exist.
Hence both conclusion I and II follows.

3). Some cups are bottles (A) + All bottles are glasses (A) = A + A = A = All caps are glasses.
Hence conclusion II follows

4). No letter is a word (E) à conversion à No word is a letter (E). Now, Some vowels are words (I) + No word is a letter (E) = I + E = O = Some vowels are not letters.
Hence conclusion I follows.
Again, No vowels are words (I) = E + I = O* = Some words are not consonants.
Hence conclusion II does not follow.

5).  No vowel is a consonant (E) à conversion à No consonant is a vowel (E).
Hence conclusion I does not follow.
Again, Some words are vowels (I) + No vowel is a consonant (E) = I + E = O = Some words are not consonants.
Hence conclusion II follows.

6). No paper is a book (E) à conversion à No book is a paper (E). Now, All copies are books (A) + No book is a paper (E) = A + E = E = No copy is a paper (E) à implication à Some copies are not papers.
Hence I follows And Conclusion  II may follow from third statement.
Again, Some sets are papers (I) + No paper is a book (E) = I + E =O = Some sets are not books.
Hence III follows.

7). Some ropes are leashes (I) + No Leash is a rill (E) = I + E = O = Some ropes are not rills (O).
Hence conclusion I follows.
Again, All threads are ropes (A) à conversion à Some ropes are threads.
Hence conclusion II does not follow.
Now , No Leash is a rill (E) à implication à Some rills are not leashes (I).
Hence III follows

8). No cover is a box (E) à conversion à No box is a cover (E). Now, all tables are boxes (A) + No box is a cover (E) = A + E = E = No table is a cover (E).
Hence conclusion I does not follow.
Again, Conclusion II may follow from second statement.  All tables are tables (I) + No tables is a chair (E) = I + E = O = Some boxes are not chairs.
Hence III follows

9). First conclusion follows from first statement and second conclusion follows from third statement.
Thus, Conclusion I and II follows
Again, No dinar is a rupee (E) à conversion à No rupee is a dinar (E). Now, All coins are rupees (A) + No coin is a dinar (E) = A + E = E = No coin is a dinar.
Hence conclusion III does not follows

10). Conclusion I does not follow from third statement. Again, No cat is a dog à conversion à No dog is a cat (E).
Hence Conclusion II follows.
No Fox is a cat (E) + No cat is dog (E) = E + E = No conclusion.
But Conclusion III may follows

11). There is no negative statement. Thus the possibility in I exists. Hence conclusion I follows. All caps are pencils (A) à conversion à some pencils are caps (I).
Hence conclusion II follows.

12). No bag is a glass (E) + some glasses are not cups (O) = E+O =No conclusion. Hence conclusion I does not follow.
Again, No bag is a glass (E) à conversion à No glass is a bag (E). Hence conclusion II follows.

13). Some flowers are red (I)+No red is a tree (E) = I + E = O = Some flowers are not
trees. Hence conclusion I follows.
Again, No red is a tree(E) à conversion à No tree is red (E). Hence conclusion II follow as an implication of No tree is red.

14). All boxes are copies (A) + No copy is a book (E) =A + E = E = No box is a book. Hence conclusion I follows.
Again, All boxes are copies (A) à conversion à some copies are boxes (I). Hence conclusion II follows.

15). No cloth is a cover (E) + No cover is a wrap = E + E = No conclusion. Hence neither conclusion I nor II follows.

16). Some bowls are not jars (O*) + ( all spoons are jars (A) → conversion → ) Some jars are spoons (I) = O + I = No conclusion. Hence , conclusion I does not follow. But conclusion II follows.

17). All desserts are sweets (A) + No sweet is fruit (E) = A + E = E = no dessert is fruit (E). Hence conclusion I follows.
Again, No sweet is fruit (E) → conversion → No fruit is a sweet (E). Hence conclusion II follows.

18). No Circle is a wall (E) + All walls are homes (A) = E + A = O* = Some homes are not circles (O*). Hence neither conclusion I nor II follows. But both conclusions make a complementary pair (I-E). Hence either I or II follows.

19). No word is letter (E) + Some letters are vowels (I) = E + I = O* = Some vowels are not words (O*). Hence conclusion I does not follows. But the possibility in II exists.
Hence conclusion II follows.

20). Some informations are hopes (I) + Some hopes are sorrows (I) = I + I = No conclusion, but the possibility in II exists. Hence conclusion I does not follow. But II follows.
Answer: b)

IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice Reasoning Questions (Syllogism-20 questions) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 3, 2015 Dear IBPS Clerk 2015 Aspirants practice Reasoning questions set of 20 syllogism for upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam. Try to solve these syllogism a...

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