IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice Computer Questions

December 9, 2015    

Dear Readers, we are presenting Computer Quiz for IBPS Clerk-V Mains. Computer section play important role in scoring.

Try to solve these computer questions. If any doubt ask in comment section. We will provide more questions in upcoming posts.

1. The combination of the operating system and the processor is referred to as the computer’s :
(1) CPU  
(2) Platform
(3) BIOS  
(4) CMOS
(5) None of these

2. The function of Key F4 is
(1) Delete  
(2) Repeat last function
(3) Refresh  
(4) Copy
(5) None of these

3. Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because tape is:
(1) A random-access medium
(2) A sequential –access medium
(3) A read –only medium
(4) Fragile and easily damaged
(5) An expensive storage medium

4. The ______ allows you to choose where to go and is located below the standards buttons toolbar.
(1) system menu
(2) Address bar
(3) Menu bar
(4) Task bar
(5) None of these

5. In windows XP, which shortcut is used you lock the computer?
(1) Ctrl + L  
(2) Windows Key + k
(3) Ctrl + K  
(4) Scroll Lock key
(5) Windows Key + L

6. A dot-matrix printer
(1) is an input-output device  
(2) is an output device only
(3) is an input device only    
(4) both 2 and 3
(5) None of these

7. A characteristic of card system is:
(1) slowness in processing data
(2) using cards as records of transactions
(3) needing a larger data staff
(4) all of these
(5) None of these

8. What is a ‘tuple’?
(1) another name for a table in an RDBMS.
(2) Another name for the key linking different tables in a database.
(3) Initial seed value of field.
(4) A row or record in a database table.
(5) An attribute attached to a record.

9. _______ is the ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same time.
(1) Multitasking
(2) Streamlining
(3) Multiuser
(4) Simulation
(5) None of these

10. A spooler is a(n):
(1) location in memory that maintains the contents of a document until it prints out
(2) Print job
(3) Program that coordinates the print jobs that are waiting to print
(4) Message sent from the printer to the operating system when a print job is completed
(5) None of these

11. Which of the following is not a protocol in the application layer of TCP/IP suit:
(1) HTTP  
(2) TCP
(3) HTTPS  
(4) Telnet
(5) None of these

12. All of the following statements concerning files are true EXCEPT:
(1) A file is a collection of related pieces of information stored together for easy reference.
(2) Files can be generated from an application
(3) Files are stored in RAM
(4) Files should be organized in folders.
(5) None of these

13. The four main functions of a computer are:
(1) Input, processing, output and storage
(2) Learning, thinking, intelligence and virtuosity
(3) Data, information, bits and bytes
(4) Hardware, software, modeling and operations
(5) None of these

14. A scientific institution performing intensive mathematical operations for a complex model that required extremely powerful computing capabilities will most likely use a(n):
(1) Supercomputer  
(2) PC
(3) mainframe  
(4) ISP
(5) None of these

15. The ‘brains’ of the computer which executes the instructions, is called the:
(1) CPU  
(2) RAM
(3) Motherboard  
(4) System Unit
(5) None of these

16. The process ___ involves automated study of consumer buying patterns in order to support marketing, inventory replenishment and pricing decisions.
(1) transaction processing
(2) Data mining
(3) Simulation    
(4) information processing
(5) None of these

17. The Principle advantage of adding memory to a printer is to increase:
(1) resolution
(2) Print Speed
(3) Number of colors in output
(4) DPI  
(5) None of these

18. An operating system version designed for use with media Centre PC is Microsoft Windows XP ___.
(1) Home Edition
(2) Media Centre Edition
(3) Tablet PC Edition
(4) None of these
(5) None of these

19. Press the ___ button to have the window fill the entire screen.
(1) close  
(2) Maximize
(3) Minimize
(4) All of the above  
(5) None of these

20. What digits are representative of all binary numbers?
(1) 0  
(2) 1
(3) both 0 and 1
(4) 3
(5) None of these

1. 2
2. 2
3. 5
4. 2
5. 5
6. 2
7. 4
8. 4
9. 1
10. 3
11. 2
12. 3
13. 1
14. 1
15. 1
16. 2
17. 2
18. 2
19. 2
20. 3

IBPS Clerk 2015- Practice Computer Questions 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 9, 2015 Dear Readers, we are presenting Computer Quiz for IBPS Clerk-V Mains. Computer section play important role in scoring. Try to solve thes...

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