Directions (Q. 1-5): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
1. Completing a period of hundred years
(a) Centennial
(b) Centurion
(c) Centaury
(d) Centenarian
2. Animals that can live on land and water
(a) Terrestrial
(b) Aquatic
(c) Amphibians
(d) Parasitic
3. The art of making maps and charts
(a) Calligraphy
(b) Palaeography
(c) Metallurgy
(d) Cartography
4. A game in which no one wins
(a) Draw
(b) Obsolete
(c) Legal
(d) Illegal
5. Shaking movement of the ground
(a) Tremor
(b) Shiver
(c) Vibrate
(d) Oscillate
Directions (Q. 6-10): In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
(a) Higyne
(b) Hygene
(c) Hygeine
(d) Hygiene
(a) Privilege
(b) Previlege
(c) Priviledge
(d) Privelege
(a) Courageous
(b) Coeurageous
(c) Couragous
(d) Courageaus
(a) Truely
(b) Truly
(c) Truelly
(d) Trully
(a) Parachute
(b) Parrachute
(c) Parashute
(d) Parashoot
Note : Answers will be updated soon.......
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