Mission IBPS Clerk- Computer Quiz

November 16, 2015    

1. Microsoft Office button does not contain
1) print
2) save
3) new
4) page setup
5) print preview

2.Which of the following is not an advantage of multi programming ?
1) increased throughput
2) shorter response time
3) decreased OS overhead
4) ability to assign priorities to jobs
5) None of these

3. Integrated circuit’s are made by
1) Si
2) Al
3) Mn
4) Mg
5) All the above

4. Uniform resource location has ________ part(s).
1) two
2) three
3) one
4) four
5) None of these

5. Daisy wheel printer is a type of ________.
1) matrix printer
2) impact printer
3) laser printer
4) manual printer
5) line printer

6.Which of following types of key cannot be used in database?
1) Primary key
2) Foreign key
3) Super key
4) Secondary key
5) Transitive key

7. The default header for a worksheet is
1) your name
2) the date and time
3) the sheet tab name
4) the worksheet name
5) None of these

8. The first computer made available for commercial use
1) Mark-I

9. EPROM consists of
1) bipolar transistors
2) Diodes
3) ETL
5) None of these

10. ________ contains location of file on the disk.
1) Boot sector
2) File allocation table
3) Data area
4) Root folder
5) Memory unit

1. 4
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2; URL has three parts: (a) Protocol, (b) Name of machine (c) Name of file.
5. 2
6. 5
7. 5
8. 3
9. 4
10. 2

Mission IBPS Clerk- Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 16, 2015 1. Microsoft Office button does not contain 1) print 2) save 3) new 4) page setup 5) print preview 2.Which of the following is not a...

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