Computer Quiz

November 9, 2015    

1. When you save to _______, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off.
a. RAM
b. motherboard
c. secondary storage device
d. primary storage device
e. None of these

2. The motherboard is the
a. circuit board that houses peripheral devices
b. same as the CPU chip
c. the first chip that is accessed when the computer is turned on
d. circuit board that contains a CPU and other chips
e. None of these

3. A computer-intensive problem runs on a _______.
1) server
2) mainframe
3) supercomputer
4) super PC
5) None of these

4. A(n) _______ converts and executes one statement at a time.
1) compiler
2) interpreter
3) converter
4) instructions
5) None of these

5. The term _______ designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
1) digital device
2) system add-on
3) disk pack
4) peripheral device
5) None of these

6. Approximately how many bytes make one Megabyte?
1) One Thousand
2) Ten Thousand
3) One Hundred
4) One Million
5) None of these

7. What is MP3?
1) A mouse
2) A printer
3) A sound format
4) A scanner
5) None of these

8. All the deleted files go to
1) Recycle Bin
2) Task Bar
3) Tool Bar
4) My Computer
5) None of these

9. _______ is the act of copying or downloading a program from a network and making multiple copies of it.
1) Network piracy
2) Plagiarism
3) Software piracy
4) Site-license piracy
5) None of these

10. A directory within a directory is called a _______.
1) Mini Directory
2) Junior Directory
3) Part Directory
4) Sub Directory
5) None of these

1. c
2. d
3. 3
4. 2
5. 4
6. 4
7. 3
8. 1
9. 3
10. 4

Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 9, 2015 1. When you save to _______, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off. a. RAM b. motherboard c. secondary storag...

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