Computer Quiz

November 30, 2015    

1). If a computer provides database services to other, then it will be known as ?
1. Web server
2.Application server
3. Database server
4. FTP server
Ans- 3

2). In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ?
1. Decimal
2. Binary
3. HexaDecimal
4. Octal
Ans -2

3). Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is ?
1. Transmitter
2. Diodes
3. HHL
4. DSL
Ans- 4

4) Who was the Founder of Bluetooth ?
1. Ericson
2. Martin Cooper
3. Steve Jobs
4. Apple
 Ans- 1

5) What is the name of first super computer of India ?
1. Saga 220
2. PARAM 8000
4. PARAM 6000
Ans- 2

6) Which among following is commonly used language in Android applications ?
1. C
2. Php
3. C++
4. Java
Ans- 4

7) Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a ?
1. Application Sever
2. Web Sever
3. Print Server
4. File Server
Ans- 4

8) ________ defines how one Internet-connected computer can contact another to exchange
control and confirmation messages
1 WAN switching rules
2 Internet rules
3 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
4 Internet Protocol (IP)
Ans- 3

9)Which of the following can be printed in support of a PowerPoint presentation?
1 Audience handouts
2 Notes
3 An outline
4 All the above
 Ans.- 4

10) What is another name for a shared network?
2 Switch
3 Broadband router
4 Hub
 Ans.- 4

Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 30, 2015 1). If a computer provides database services to other, then it will be known as ? 1. Web server 2.Application server 3. Database server ...

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