Analysis of SSC CHSL Exam 2015 (01-11-2015) Morning Shift

November 1, 2015    

SSC CHSL Exam 2015 was conducted on the 01st Nov. 2015. In terms of overall pattern and difficulty level the paper was easy to moderate.

As we have seen in previous year, the question paper had 200 questions, 50 each from General Intelligence, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness. Each question had four options. There was negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

Apart from section on English language, all other sections had questions in both English and Hindi.
This year the paper pattern was Easy to moderate. 

An overall attempt of around 130 to 150 questions, with an accuracy of around 90%, should fetch you good enough marks to qualify for the second round of Mains Exam.

The pattern of the test and broad analysis is as follows. It is based on our independent analysis and aspirants feedback:

General Intelligence:

The section was as expected on an easier side. Most of the questions were the one which were expected by the candidates. Most of the candidates are expected to do well in this section and capitalize on marks.Over all, the paper was moderate.

English Language:

This year, this paper mainly covered by Grammar and Vocabulary - Antonyms, Synonyms, One Word Substitution, Sentence Completion,  Idioms and Wrongly Spelt Words. Correct Alternative and Fill in the blanks,  In Grammar, Error Spotting,  and Fill in the Blanks were there. Over all, the paper was moderate. 

Quantitative Aptitude:

The section comprised questions from a variety of areas.  The paper tested students for Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry, Ratio, Profit & Loss, Averages, Time-Speed-Distance, Time & Work and Percentages. Two Data Interpretation Question was also asked in the paper.Over all, the paper was easy to moderate. 

General Awareness:

The section was dominated by questions from Static G.K, Economy, Science, India Polity, etc.


Disclaimer: All information provide above are based on independent analysis made by SSC Adda and Career Power. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.

Analysis of SSC CHSL Exam 2015 (01-11-2015) Morning Shift 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 1, 2015 SSC CHSL Exam 2015 was conducted on the 01st Nov. 2015. In terms of overall pattern and difficulty level the paper was easy to moderate. As...

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