Vocabulary Words - 19.10.2015

October 19, 2015    


Synonyms: bewildered, confused 

Antonyms: expected, aware

Example Sentence: 

The three adventurous companions were surprised and flabbergasted, despite their scientific reasoning.

2. FLAIL (VERB): to move energetically in an uncontrolled way

Synonyms: beat, strike Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.

3. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): unrestrained

Synonyms: unchecked, uncontrolled Antonyms: restrained

Example Sentence:

New studies show that unbridled hateful speech can cause emotional harm.

4. INFERNO (VERB) : hell

Synonyms: purgatory, blazes 

Example Sentence:

Now Paradise and the inferno are understood philosophically as states of being, not places on a chart.

5. GLEAN (VERB): pick out, collect

Synonyms: deduce, extract Antonyms: divide, spread

Example Sentence:

However, an intelligent reader will glean the important information from this possibly-
based article.

6. GUMPTION (NOUN): The ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation

Synonyms: acumen, cleverness Antonyms: idleness, ignorance

Example Sentence:

He had the gumption to directly write to the senior manager of the company.

7. APPANAGE (ADJECTIVE): prerogative

Synonyms: perquisite, immunity Antonyms: duty, obligation

Example Sentence: 

Just because you are rich does not give you the prerogative to break the law!

8. JEER (VERB): mock

Synonyms: taunt, sneer Antonyms: praise, commend

Example Sentence:

Before the assembly, the principal told the student body that anyone who chose to jeer the speaker would be suspended for three days. 

9. POTHER (NOUN): disturbance

Synonyms: agitation, annoyance Antonyms: harmony, calm

Example Sentence:

They could not understand what all the pother could be about.

10. PEJORATIVE (ADJECTIVE): derogatory, uncomplimentary

Synonyms: negative, belittling Antonyms: praising, positive

Example Sentence:

The evening’s headline news covered an international scandal caused by a pejorative statement the famous senator had made in reference to a foreign leader.

Vocabulary Words - 19.10.2015 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 19, 2015 1. FLABBERGASTED (ADJECTIVE): stupefied Synonyms:  bewildered, confused  Antonyms:  expected, aware Example Sentence:  The three ad...

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