Reasoning Quiz : For SSC CHSL Exam

October 19, 2015    

Directions (1-5): Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
(1) Sweet
(2) Bitter
(3) Salty
(4) Insipid

(1) Lion
(2) Goat
(3) Tortoise
(4) Centaur

(1) Square
(2) Circle
(3) Rectangle
(4) Triangle

(1) AJKL
(2) IBCD
(3) ORQP
(4) UFGH

(1) DEB
(2) RTP
(3) HIF
(4) NOL

6.‘A’ man starts from a point and walks 2 km towards North, turns towards his right and walks 2 km, turns right again and walks. What is the direction now he is facing?
(1) South
(2) South-East
(3) North
(4) West

7.Kamu walks 5 kms straight from her house towards west then turns right and walks 3 kms. There-after she takes left turn and walks 2 km. further, she turns left and walks 3 km. Finally, she turns right and walks 3 kms. In what direction she is now from her house?
(1) West
(2) North
(3) South
(4) East

8.Amit travelled 15 kms. East-ward, then turned left and travelled 5 kms, then turned left and travelled 15 kms. Hose far was Amit from the starting point?
(1) 30 kms.
(2) 35 kms.
(3) 15 kms.
(4) 5 kms.

9.At 12.30 the hour hand of a clock faces North and the minute hand faces South. At 2.45 the minute had will be in which direction?
(1) North-West
(2) West
(3) South-East
(4) East

10.Mamatha walks 14 metres towards west, then turns to her right and walks 14 metres and then turns to her left and walks 10 metres. Again turning to her left she walks 14 metres. What is the shortest distance (in metres) between her starting point and her present position?
(1) 38 m
(2) 28 m
(3) 24 m
(4) 10 m

Reasoning Quiz : For SSC CHSL Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 19, 2015 Directions (1-5): Select the one which is different from the other three responses. 1. (1) Sweet (2) Bitter (3) Salty (4) Insipid 2...

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